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项洋 吴江浩 熊峻江

项洋, 吴江浩, 熊峻江等 . 基于分布式动力的翼身融合飞机整流罩气动设计[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 44(1): 71-81. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2017.0027
引用本文: 项洋, 吴江浩, 熊峻江等 . 基于分布式动力的翼身融合飞机整流罩气动设计[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 44(1): 71-81. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2017.0027
XIANG Yang, WU Jianghao, XIONG Junjianget al. Aerodynamic design of nacelle of blended-wing-body aircraft with distributed propulsion[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 44(1): 71-81. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2017.0027(in Chinese)
Citation: XIANG Yang, WU Jianghao, XIONG Junjianget al. Aerodynamic design of nacelle of blended-wing-body aircraft with distributed propulsion[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 44(1): 71-81. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2017.0027(in Chinese)


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2017.0027

    项洋 男, 博士研究生。主要研究方向:飞行器空气动力学

    吴江浩 男, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师。主要研究方向:飞行器空气动力学

    熊峻江 男, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师。主要研究方向:飞机结构力


    吴江浩, E-mail: peng.lei@buaa.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: V221.3

Aerodynamic design of nacelle of blended-wing-body aircraft with distributed propulsion

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  • 图 1  分布式动力BWB飞机的气动布局

    Figure 1.  Aerodynamics configuration of distributed propulsion BWB aircraft

    图 2  整流罩截面几何参数定义

    Figure 2.  Geometric parameter definition of nacelle section

    图 3  计算网格结构

    Figure 3.  Structure of computation mesh

    图 4  Morris法计算的各参数对气动系数影响的均值与标准差

    Figure 4.  Mean values and standard deviations of effects of parameters on aerodynamic coefficients with Morris method

    图 5  t2CL的基本效应分

    Figure 5.  Distribution of CL elementaryeffect with respect to t2

    图 6  t2变化时的压力云图和流线图

    Figure 6.  Pressure contours and stream lineswith variation of t2

    图 7  t2变化时的各截面压力分布

    Figure 7.  Pressure distribution on cross sections with variation of t2

    图 8  x4变化时的压力云图和流线图

    Figure 8.  Pressure contours and stream lines with variation of x4

    图 9  x4变化时的各截面压力分布

    Figure 9.  Pressure distribution on cross sections with variation of x4

    图 10  不同τ下气动系数随t2的变化

    Figure 10.  Variation of aerodynamic coefficients with t2 at different τ

    图 11  不同τ下的压力云图和流线图

    Figure 11.  Pressure contours and stream lines at different τ

    图 12  不同MFR下气动系数随t2的变化

    Figure 12.  Variation of aerodynamic coefficients with t2 at different MFR

    图 13  MFR=0.40时飞机表面和对称面压力云图及喷口流线图

    Figure 13.  Pressure contours of aircraft surface and symmetric plane and stream lines of nozzle at MFR=0.40

    图 14  不同Lf下气动系数随t2的变化

    Figure 14.  Variation of aerodynamic coefficients with t2 at different Lf

    图 15  Lf=0.70时飞机表面和对称面压力分布及喷口流线图

    Figure 15.  Pressure contours of aircraft surface and symmetric plane and stream lines of nozzle at Lf=0.70

    图 16  t2t3耦合变化时的压力分布

    Figure 16.  Pressure distribution with coupled variation of t2 and t3

    表  1  网格规模验证

    Table  1.   Validation of mesh size

    网格1907 5630.411 20.021 63
    网格21 378 2510.413 70.020 71
    网格32 055 4480.416 00.020 56
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    表  2  壁面网格高度验证

    Table  2.   Validation of wall grid height

    网格25×10-40.413 70.020 71
    网格41×10-30.414 80.020 52
    网格53×10-40.413 90.020 76
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    表  3  参数的实际变化区间

    Table  3.   Actual changing interval of parameters

    参数Pi[Pi -l, Pi +u]
    ti(i=1, 2, 3, 4)0.047[0.007, 0.107]
    xi(i=1, 2, 3, 4)0.29[0.25, 0.35]
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    表  4  t2对气动系数的影响

    Table  4.   Effect of t2 on aerodynamic coefficients

    0.0070.411 30.019 720.037 6
    0.0470.413 70.020 710.044 9
    0.0870.416 40.022 020.052 7
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    表  5  x4对气动系数的影响

    Table  5.   Effect of x4 on aerodynamic coefficients

    0.250.413 50.020 700.044 7
    0.290.413 70.020 710.044 9
    0.330.413 70.020 680.044 8
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    表  6  基本设计参数的区间敏感度排序

    Table  6.   Interval sensitivity order of basis design parameters

    进气边界高度0.068 60.04
    弦向整流罩长度0.025 70.038 6
    展向流量分布0.019 50.024
    展向进气位置分布0.006 80.027
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    表  7  t2t3对气动系数的耦合影响

    Table  7.   Coupled effect of t2 and t3 onaerodynamic coefficients

    CL1-0.012 4-0.009 8-21.1
    2-0.028 7-0.002 1-92.8
    CD1-0.002 60.003 224.4
    2-0.003 8-0.004 721.3
    CM10.045 2-0.041 8-7.5
    2-0.040 5-0.019 1-147.1
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  • 收稿日期:  2017-01-16
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