Aerodynamic design of nacelle of blended-wing-body aircraft with distributed propulsion
- 翼身融合(BWB)布局 /
- 边界层吸入(BLI) /
- 计算流体力学(CFD) /
- 敏感度分析 /
- 整流罩
Abstract:Nacelle design has a significant effect on aerodynamic performance of blended-wing-body (BWB) aircraft with distributed propulsion. To clarify the effect and its reason of primary nacelle design parameters on aerodynamic performance of BWB aircraft with boundary layer ingestion (BLI) effect, a detailed study was conducted by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method and Morris sensitivity analysis method. Sensitivity order and coupled effect of primary design parameters on aerodynamic performance were obtained. Flow details of higher sensitivity and greater coupled effect parameters were analyzed under baseline and alternative condition. The results show that the relatively most significant parameters are the maximum thickness of section 2 and 3. The main reason is that local thickness and camber increase, and pressure distribution of whole nacelle surface is changed. Leeward local stall will occur as the maximum thickness increases configuration when mass flow rate decreases and inlet location along the chord direction moves forward. The coupled effect of the maximum thickness of section 2 and 3 on aerodynamic performance is relatively significant.
表 1 网格规模验证
Table 1. Validation of mesh size
算例名称 网格规模 CL CD 网格1 907 563 0.411 2 0.021 63 网格2 1 378 251 0.413 7 0.020 71 网格3 2 055 448 0.416 0 0.020 56 表 2 壁面网格高度验证
Table 2. Validation of wall grid height
算例名称 壁面网格高度/m CL CD 网格2 5×10-4 0.413 7 0.020 71 网格4 1×10-3 0.414 8 0.020 52 网格5 3×10-4 0.413 9 0.020 76 表 3 参数的实际变化区间
Table 3. Actual changing interval of parameters
参数 Pi [Pi -l, Pi +u] ti(i=1, 2, 3, 4) 0.047 [0.007, 0.107] xi(i=1, 2, 3, 4) 0.29 [0.25, 0.35] 表 4 t2对气动系数的影响
Table 4. Effect of t2 on aerodynamic coefficients
t2 CL CD CM 0.007 0.411 3 0.019 72 0.037 6 0.047 0.413 7 0.020 71 0.044 9 0.087 0.416 4 0.022 02 0.052 7 表 5 x4对气动系数的影响
Table 5. Effect of x4 on aerodynamic coefficients
x4 CL CD CM 0.25 0.413 5 0.020 70 0.044 7 0.29 0.413 7 0.020 71 0.044 9 0.33 0.413 7 0.020 68 0.044 8 表 6 基本设计参数的区间敏感度排序
Table 6. Interval sensitivity order of basis design parameters
参数 CL CD 流量系数 1.8 0.525 排气方向 1.34 0.32 进气边界弦向位置 0.392 0.28 进气边界高度 0.068 6 0.04 弦向整流罩长度 0.025 7 0.038 6 展向流量分布 0.019 5 0.024 展向进气位置分布 0.006 8 0.027 表 7 t2和t3对气动系数的耦合影响
Table 7. Coupled effect of t2 and t3 onaerodynamic coefficients
气动系数 算例 dcoup dline CL 1 -0.012 4 -0.009 8 -21.1 2 -0.028 7 -0.002 1 -92.8 CD 1 -0.002 6 0.003 2 24.4 2 -0.003 8 -0.004 7 21.3 CM 1 0.045 2 -0.041 8 -7.5 2 -0.040 5 -0.019 1 -147.1 注:算例1、2分别代表t2和t3同时减少和同时增加。 -
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