Abstract:The thermal stability and heat sink of aviation fuel play an important role in the reliability, safety and performance of aircraft and engine. Two types of typical microalgae aviation fuel were investigated to assess thermal stability and heat sink by thermo-gravimetric-differential scanning calorimetry in comparison with the standard turbine jetfuels RP-3. The results show that the temperatures of the end point and maximum weight loss point are higher than that of the standard turbine jetfuels RP-3, which indicates that heat sink includes both physical heat sink and chemical heat sink in weight loss interval. The thermo-gravimetric curve defines two dimensionless parameters including initiation temperature and burnout index, which represent the initial decomposition temperature and the deposition characteristics respectively. The combination of the two parameters can be used to assess the thermal stability and heat sink. Isochrysis based blend aviation fuel presented the carbon deposit with the increase of heat sink, while chlorella based blend aviation fuel did not present the carbon deposit with the increase of heat sink. The results indicate that optimizing the composition of alkane with high carbon number could increase heat sink and decrease carbon deposit. It is feasible both theoretically and technically.
Key words:
- microalgae aviation fuel /
- thermal stability /
- heat sink /
- initiation temperature /
- burnout index
表 1 微藻航空燃料50%掺混比与RP-3组成
Table 1. Composition of mixed RP-3 and microalgae aviation fuel 50%
% 组分 碳数分布 小球藻油+RP-3 球等鞭金藻油+RP-3 RP-3 正构烷烃 C8~C18 62.5 62.5 25.03 C14 3.3 11.3 2.3 C16 23.7 11.7 0.19 C18 25.5 29.5 — 异构烷烃 C8~C16 10.0 10.0 20.06 环烷烃 C8~C14 5.3 5.3 10.56 芳香烃 C7~C13 14.4 14.4 28.75 烯烃 C9~C11 1.5 1.5 3.06 其他 6.3 6.3 12.5 表 2 引发温度与燃尽指数
Table 2. Initiation temperature and burnout index
航空燃料类型 组分 引发温度/℃ 最大失重温度/℃ 最大吸热温度/℃ 燃尽指数/% C14 C16 C18 小球藻油+RP-3 3.3 23.7 25.5 93.1 139 143 100 球等鞭金藻油+RP-3 11.3 11.7 29.5 91.9 149 151 99.8 RP-3 2.3 0.19 — 61.9 90.2 94.5 100 -
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