- 爬壁机器人 /
- 约束 /
- 动力学建模 /
- Udwadia-Kalaba方程 /
- Baumgarte约束违约稳定法
Abstract:With the aim of dynamic modeling of the climbing robot with dual-cavity structure and wheeled locomotion mechanism, an analytical dynamic model based on the Udwadia-Kalaba equation is established. The desired trajectory, which is regarded as constraints imposed on the system, is integrated into the dynamic modeling process of climbing robot dexterously. The explicit expression of additional torques required to satisfy constraints and explicit dynamic equation of the system without Lagrange multiplier are obtained. However, constraint violation arises when the initial conditions are incompatible with the constraint equations. Baumgarte's constraint violation stabilization method is considered for constraint violation suppression. The simulations of the varying law of the generalized coordinate variables and the trajectories are performed to demonstrate that this modeling method is feasible and effective.
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