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李琳 薛铮 范雨

李琳, 薛铮, 范雨等 . 压电纤维材料驱动下复合板扭曲变形效率分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 44(2): 229-240. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2017.0107
引用本文: 李琳, 薛铮, 范雨等 . 压电纤维材料驱动下复合板扭曲变形效率分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 44(2): 229-240. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2017.0107
LI Lin, XUE Zheng, FAN Yuet al. Efficiency of twist deformation of composite plate actuated by MFC[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 44(2): 229-240. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2017.0107(in Chinese)
Citation: LI Lin, XUE Zheng, FAN Yuet al. Efficiency of twist deformation of composite plate actuated by MFC[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 44(2): 229-240. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2017.0107(in Chinese)


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2017.0107

国家自然科学基金 51675022


    李琳 女, 博士, 教授。主要研究方向:叶盘结构流致振动、智能结构动力学及振动控制

    薛铮 男, 博士。主要研究方向:主动复合材料及智能结构设计

    范雨 男, 博士。主要研究方向:智能结构动力学


    范雨, E-mail:fanyu04@buaa.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: V214.8

Efficiency of twist deformation of composite plate actuated by MFC


National Natural Science Foundation of China 51675022

More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  MFC复合板的几何结构及坐标系

    Figure 1.  Geometry and coordinate system of MFC composite plate

    图 2  MFC复合板扭曲实验测试

    Figure 2.  Experimental test of twist actuation of MFC composite plate

    图 3  MFC复合板试件在MFC驱动下的位移场预测

    Figure 3.  Predicted displacement field of specimen (MFC composite plate) under actuation of MFC

    图 4  MFC复合板多点挠度测试与计算结果的对比

    Figure 4.  Comparison of deflection measurement on multi-points and calculation results of MFC composite plate

    图 5  主动材料在一体化自适应翼面中的典型应用模式

    Figure 5.  Typical application modes of active material in integrated adaptive wing surface

    图 6  MFC复合板等效扭转角β

    Figure 6.  Equivalent torsional angle β of MFC composite plate

    图 7  MFC复合板等效弯转角α

    Figure 7.  Equivalent bending angle α of MFC composite plate

    图 8  单层MFC驱动下压电纤维方向对复合板的自由边截面等效扭转角的影响(CFFF)

    Figure 8.  Effect of piezoelectric fiber direction on equivalent torsional angle at free edge section of composite plate actuated by single layer of MFC (CFFF)

    图 9  单层MFC驱动下压电纤维方向对复合板的自由边截面等效扭转角的影响(CFCF)

    Figure 9.  Effect of piezoelectric fiber direction on equivalent torsional angle at free edge section of composite plate actuated by single layer of MFC (CFCF)

    图 10  双层MFC复合板在(+/+)电压驱动模式下自由边截面等效扭转角、弯转角随压电纤维方向的变化(L/W=1, CFFF)

    Figure 10.  Evolution of equivalent torsional and bending angles at free edge section of composite plate with piezoelectric fiber direction (two layers of MFC, (+/+) actuation mode, L/W=1, CFFF)

    图 11  双层MFC复合板在(+/-)电压驱动模式下自由边截面等效扭转角、弯转角随压电纤维方向的变化(L/W=1, CFFF)

    Figure 11.  Evolution of equivalent torsional and bending angles at free edge section of composite plate with piezoelectric fiber direction (two layers of MFC, (+/-) actuation mode, L/W=1, CFFF)

    图 12  双层MFC复合板(+/+)电压驱动模式下压电纤维铺设角度(θup=-θdown)对复合板扭曲变形效率的影响(CFFF)

    Figure 12.  Effect of piezoelectric fiber laying angle (θup=-θdown) on efficiency of twist deformation of bimorph MFC composite plate under (+/+) actuation mode (CFFF)

    图 13  双层MFC复合板在(+/+)电压驱动模式下自由边截面等效扭转角、等效弯转角随压电纤维方向的变化(L/W=1, CFCF)

    Figure 13.  Evolution of equivalent torsional and bending angles at free edge section of composite plate with piezoelectric fiber direction (two layers of MFC, (+/+) actuation-mode, L/W=1, CFCF)

    图 14  双层MFC复合板在(+/-)电压驱动模式下自由边截面.等效扭转角、等效弯曲角随压电纤维方向的变化(L/W=1, CFCF)

    Figure 14.  Evolution of equivalent torsional and bending angles at free edge section of composite plate with piezoelectric fiber direction (two layers of MFC, (+/-) actuation-mode, L/W=1, CFCF)

    表  1  MFC和基板的材料参数

    Table  1.   Material parameters of MFC and substrate

    材料 E/GPa υ G/GPa t/mm Λ/10-6
    E1 E2 υ12 υ21
    M-8528-F1 30.336 15.857 0.31 0.16 5.515 0.3 [1 350, 0, 0]T
    基底 44 0.27 3.1 0.3
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    表  2  试件的几何参数

    Table  2.   Geometric parameters of specimen

    试件 布置形式 x方向边界条件 y方向边界条件 W/mm L/mm θup/(°) θdown/(°)
    1# bimorph C-F F-F 35 95 45 -45
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    表  3  CFFF约束的MFC复合板在2种驱动模式下的自由边截面等效扭转角极值

    Table  3.   Maximum equivalent torsional angles of free edge section of MFC composite plate under two actuation modes with constraint condition of CFFF

    L/W 驱动模式 βmax/(°) θup/(°) θdown/(°)
    2 +/+ 15.75 -46.8 46.8
    +/- 9.50 46.8 54
    1 +/+ 13.90 -47.7 47.7
    +/- 8.59 50.4 55.8
    0.25 +/+ 5.82 -50.4 50.4
    +/- 3.93 55.8 57.6
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    表  4  CFCF约束的MFC复合板在2种驱动模式下的自由边截面等效扭转角极值

    Table  4.   Maximum equivalent torsional angles of free edge section of MFC composite plate under two actuation modes with constraint condition of CFCF

    L/W 驱动模式 βmax/(°) θup/(°) θdown/(°)
    4 +/+ 3.05 -34.2 50.4
    +/- 3.98 41.4 -34.2
    1 +/+ 7.84 -45 45
    +/- 8.93 45 45
    0.25 +/+ 3.05 -55.8 39.6
    +/- 3.98 48.6 55.8
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