Abstract:More and more composite structures containing active materials are applied to adaptive structures. The integration of active materials in structures has brought new characteristics but made the design more complicated. In this paper, the deformation of the active composite plate actuated by the macro fiber material (MFC) is studied. The purpose is to obtain the relationship between the twist deformation of the actuated composite plate and the MFC fiber laying and the actuation mode. Based on the elastic mechanics theory, the relationship between the strain of active fiber actuated by voltage and induced internal force and deformation of the composite plate is established. The solution of the problem is conducted using Ritz's method and taking the displacement function as a linear combination of the two-dimension beam-modes. The solving equation of the displacement field actuated by MFC is derived, and the analytical result is verified by the experiment. In order to evaluate the actuation effect of MFC composite plate under different conditions and to consider the bending-torsion coupling characteristics of composite plate deformation, the concept and the calculation of actuation efficiency of an active composite plate are proposed, which is based on the definition of equivalent bending and twist angle of section. Then the evolution of the actuation efficiency with the laying angle of MFC and the mode of input voltage is analyzed. Corresponding to different constraint conditions, the laying of piezoelectric fiber-direction and the selection of actuation-mode are given based on the obtained analysis results.
Key words:
- macro fiber composite /
- active composite plate /
- twist deformation /
- fiber direction /
- actuation mode
表 1 MFC和基板的材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of MFC and substrate
材料 E/GPa υ G/GPa t/mm Λ/10-6 E1 E2 υ12 υ21 M-8528-F1 30.336 15.857 0.31 0.16 5.515 0.3 [1 350, 0, 0]T 基底 44 0.27 3.1 0.3 — 表 2 试件的几何参数
Table 2. Geometric parameters of specimen
试件 布置形式 x方向边界条件 y方向边界条件 W/mm L/mm θup/(°) θdown/(°) 1# bimorph C-F F-F 35 95 45 -45 表 3 CFFF约束的MFC复合板在2种驱动模式下的自由边截面等效扭转角极值
Table 3. Maximum equivalent torsional angles of free edge section of MFC composite plate under two actuation modes with constraint condition of CFFF
L/W 驱动模式 βmax/(°) θup/(°) θdown/(°) 2 +/+ 15.75 -46.8 46.8 +/- 9.50 46.8 54 1 +/+ 13.90 -47.7 47.7 +/- 8.59 50.4 55.8 0.25 +/+ 5.82 -50.4 50.4 +/- 3.93 55.8 57.6 表 4 CFCF约束的MFC复合板在2种驱动模式下的自由边截面等效扭转角极值
Table 4. Maximum equivalent torsional angles of free edge section of MFC composite plate under two actuation modes with constraint condition of CFCF
L/W 驱动模式 βmax/(°) θup/(°) θdown/(°) 4 +/+ 3.05 -34.2 50.4 +/- 3.98 41.4 -34.2 1 +/+ 7.84 -45 45 +/- 8.93 45 45 0.25 +/+ 3.05 -55.8 39.6 +/- 3.98 48.6 55.8 -
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