- 距离徙动(RM)算法 /
- 近程成像 /
- 大斜视 /
- 谱域 /
- 合成孔径雷达(SAR)
Abstract:In the case of short-range high squint imaging, the conventional range migration (RM) algorithm cannot be adopted directly, for the reason that the spatial spectrum will shift in the limited spatial spectrum domain and will cause warping and aliasing several times. In order to solve this problem, an algorithm to restore the actual spatial spectrum was presented. Times of warping spectrum were calculated exactly according to the squint angle or the shift of the target in azimuth to help shifting back to the actual position in the spatial spectrum domain. Then this algorithm could be completed as the step of RM algorithm. The modified algorithm can not only satisfy far field condition, but also can be successfully used for short-range high squint mode, because of the spectrum processing procedure and non-approximation of the distance equation. Both the simulation and experimental results show that the modified algorithm can accurately focus the target in the imaging scene. This algorithm can solve high squint imaging problem for short-range synthetic aperture radar (SAR).Meanwhile, the algorithm procedure is clear and easy to be realized by programming.
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