Abstract:The traditional reliability evaluation methods only consider the product under constant stress. However, products are often directly exposed to the outdoor natural environment in actual engineering, and the working environment stress or storage environment stress varies with time. Aimed to solve this problem, the natural environmental stress of the typical geographical location is introduced, and the environmental stress variation tendency is derived by using six-parameter polynomial fitting method. Moreover, two modes of the time-varying environmental stress are assumed, and on the basis of Nelson cumulative damage model, the product reliability evaluation method based on accelerated life test data is studied under the real time-varying environmental stress. The results show that the reliability life of the products at different geographical locations is quite different, and the reliability of the products can be evaluated more accurately by introducing the real environmental stress of the geographical location of the product.
表 1 常用失效分布模型
Table 1. Common failure distribution model
分布 参数 寿命特征 累积故障分布函数 指数 λ 平均寿命 威布尔 m, η 特征寿命η 对数正态 μ, σ 中位寿命μ 表 2 时变环境应力模式a下的累积故障分布函数
Table 2. Cumulative failure distribution function under Mode a of time-varying environmental stress
分布 累积故障分布函数 指数 威布尔 对数正态 表 3 时变环境应力模式b下的累积函数
Table 3. Cumulative function under Mode b of time-varying environmental stress
分布 累积函数 指数 威布尔 对数正态 表 4 加速寿命试验数据
Table 4. Accelerated life test data
温度/K 失效时间/h 383 238, 456, 513, 687 403 157, 182, 276, 311, 357 423 97, 115, 145, 177, 208 -
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