Abstract:In order to explore the characteristics and mechanism of passenger travel behavior in the traffic system, the statistical analysis of the passenger travel pattern is studied based on the actual airport departure of the landside passenger travel data. It is found that the behavior of passenger gathering has strong paroxysmal feature, the interval time distribution about different passenger groups has a power-law characteristic, and the power is proportional to the intensity of paroxysmal feature. Meanwhile, passenger traveling transfer decision-making is a kind of utility value driven human behavior considering many factors such as time, cost, convenience and comfort, and emergency. Accordingly, a utility value driven travel behavior dynamic model is proposed, from which power-law distribution with an adjustable power exponent can be obtained. The simulation results of the dynamic model are consistent with the analysis results of empirical data.
Key words:
- human dynamics /
- interval time distribution /
- travel behavior /
- utility value driven /
- transfer decision
表 1 ACI服务质量调查问卷统计
Table 1. Service quality questionnaire statistics of ACI
问卷编号 性别 年龄组 航班编号 起飞时间 是否转机 出行目的 乘坐舱位 交通工具 提前抵达时间/h 1 男 26~34岁 HU7717 2016-01-20 16:05 是 商务 经济舱 缺失 1.25~1.50 2 男 26~34岁 CZ6443 2016-01-19 06:35 否 休闲 经济舱 私家车/公务专车 1.5~20 3 男 26~34岁 HO1112 2016-01-19 11:15 否 商务 经济舱 私家车/公务专车 0.75~100 表 2 不同旅客群体出行统计
Table 2. Travel statistics for different passenger groups
出行方式 旅客人数 出行目的 旅客人数 巴士 193 休闲 210 出租车 228 商务 325 私家车 199 其他 171 轨道交通 73 其他 13 总计 706 总计 706 表 3 离港旅客提前抵达时间统计
Table 3. Early arrival time statistics of departure passengers
提前抵达时间/h 旅客人数 < 0.5 17 0.50~0.75 62 0.75~1.00 146 1.00~1.25 151 1.25~1.50 67 1.50~2.00 141 >2 122 表 4 模型参数设定与输出
Table 4. Parameter setting and output of model
出行维度 费用 时间 便捷舒适度 ξ 输出幂指数 拟合幂指数 α1 M α2 T α3 C 小汽车 0.1 1 0.4 0.5 0.5 1 0.3 -1.516 -1.523 巴士 0.7 0.3 0.1 1 0.2 0.5 0.3 -1.333 -1.323 轨道交通 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.3 0.1 -1.131 -1.124 商务 0.1 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.2 -1.371 -1.362 休闲 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.2 0.4 0.3 -1.286 -1.292 -
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