Kinematics analysis and multi-objective optimization of a novel parallel perfusion robot
Abstract:In order to meet the demand of honeycomb structure perfusion of large spacecraft, a novel hybrid perfusion robot is proposed. This article mainly focuses on the analysis of the parallel mechanism. First, the kinematics analysis of 3PSS-PU parallel mechanism is conducted, and the inverse kinematic model and Jacobian matrix of 3PSS-PU mechanism are established. Then, the constraints of the main factors influencing workspace of the mechanism are given, and the reachable workspace is obtained. Next, stiffness model of the mechanism is established, and stiffness distribution of the mechanism in the process of movement is displayed. Finally, aimed at workspace volume and global stiffness, multi-objective optimization analysis of structure parameters is performed based on genetic algorithm, and final dimension parameters of the mechanism are obtained. This work would lay the foundation for the application of the honeycomb perfusion robot.
Key words:
- parallel perfusion robot /
- kinematics analysis /
- workspace /
- stiffness /
- multi-objective optimization
表 1 3PSS-PU并联机构结构参数
Table 1. Structural parameters of 3PSS-PU parallel mechanism
参数 数值 Rm/mm 250 li/mm 220 φ1/(°) 60 ϕ1/(°) 60 simin/mm 0 simax/mm 450 αimin/(°) 50 αimax/(°) 120 βimin/(°) 50 βimax/(°) 120 表 2 3PSS-PU并联机构优化设计参数
Table 2. Optimum design parameters of 3PSS-PU parallel mechanism
组数 机构设计参数 Rm/mm li/mm φ1/rad ϕ1/rad 1 266.608 0 237.058 5 0.676 7 0.687 6 2 269.573 9 237.284 5 0.634 9 0.733 3 3 270.356 9 236.858 3 0.634 9 0.733 3 4 267.452 5 237.519 3 0.676 7 0.687 6 5 269.551 9 237.284 3 0.634 9 0.733 3 6 269.551 9 237.284 3 0.676 7 0.687 6 7 267.452 5 237.519 3 0.676 7 0.687 6 8 267.199 7 237.557 2 0.634 9 0.733 3 9 266.526 2 237.056 6 0.634 9 0.733 3 10 269.573 4 237.284 4 0.634 9 0.733 3 11 270.347 2 236.971 9 0.676 7 0.687 6 12 267.452 5 237.519 3 0.634 9 0.733 3 13 269.551 7 237.284 3 0.634 9 0.733 3 14 269.329 7 237.303 0 0.676 7 0.687 6 15 270.355 1 236.848 2 0.634 9 0.733 3 16 269.562 5 237.280 2 0.634 9 0.733 3 17 269.414 6 237.272 3 0.676 7 0.687 6 18 267.473 7 237.515 3 0.676 7 0.687 6 19 270.339 5 236.969 1 0.634 9 0.733 3 20 267.452 5 237.519 3 0.634 9 0.733 3 表 3 3PSS-PU并联机构优化前后结构参数对比
Table 3. Comparison of initial and optimized structure parameters for 3PSS-PU parallel mechanism
设计参数 初始值 优化值 Rm/mm 250 267 li/mm 220 237 φ1/rad π/3 0.63 ϕ1/rad π/3 0.73 表 4 3PSS-PU并联机构优化前后刚度参数对比
Table 4. Comparison of initial and optimized stiffness parameters for 3PSS-PU parallel mechanism
刚度参数 初始值 优化值 倍数 k11 1 272.95 4 023.15 3.160 k22 6.244 17×107 1.102 13×108 1.765 k33 9.851 90×105 9.015 62×106 9.151 E 6.342 81×107 1.192 33×108 1.880 S 929 775 1 069 132 1.150 -
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