Evaluation of directional ground stability and control characteristics in crosswind landing for civil airplane based on digital virtual flight
基于民机的适航要求,建立了一种基于数字虚拟飞行的侧风着陆地面航向操稳特性评估方法。以着陆滑跑过程中最大机体倾斜角和最大航迹偏移量作为评估的关键参数,依据人机闭环数字飞行仿真计算结果,评估了某大型水陆两栖飞机侧风着陆任务的地面航向操稳特性适航符合性。对于20 kts侧风分量,算例飞机着陆滑跑的机身最大机体倾斜角为3.44°,最大侧向航迹偏差为2.51 m,能够满足适航要求。进一步研究表明,侧风分量大小、道面污染情况均影响侧风着陆的安全性。在干道面上当侧风分量超过30 kts时即会出现地面打转现象;道面污染增加滑跑减速所消耗的跑道长度,同时不利于驾驶员对滑行航向的控制。所提评估方法可应用于民机的概念和方案设计阶段,并为后续开展飞行试验验证等提供理论参考。
Abstract:Based on airworthiness requirements of civil airplane, a method for evaluating ground stability and control of crosswind landing based on digital virtual flight is established. With maximum bank angle of airframe and maximum lateral deviation during the landing roll-out as key parameters, and in accordance with the results of pilot-in-loop digital flight simulation, ground stability and control as well as airworthiness compliance of crosswind landing task of a certain large amphibious aircraft were evaluated. Simulation result shows that, for a 20 kts crosswind component, the aircraft conducted a safe and well-behaving landing roll with a 3.44° maximum bank angle and 2.51 m maximum lateral deviation on dry runway, which was of airworthiness compliance. Further research indicates that crosswind component value and the extent of runway contamination significantly affect the safety of crosswind landing roll-out. A 30 kts crosswind component might result in uncontrollable ground-looping tendency on dry runway, while contaminated runway increases landing roll-out distance and brings difficulty to direction control of taxiing. The method delivered in this paper can be applied to the preliminary design phase of civil airplane and offer theoretical references for subsequent flight tests.
表 1 驾驶员操纵模型参数取值
Table 1. Values of pilot control model parameters
通道 Kv TL/s TD/s τv/s Km τm/s 俯仰 42 0.25 0.30 0.15 70 0.10 滚转 15 0.10 0.15 0.15 24 0.10 偏航 60 0.75 0.15 0.15 70 0.10 -
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