- 输入成形 /
- 自适应滑模控制(ASMC) /
- 太阳能帆板 /
- 驱动系统 /
- 柔性振动
Abstract:This paper proposes a control strategy which combines adaptive sliding mode control (ASMC) with input shaping technology for the solar array drive system (SADS) to improve the angular position control performance and suppress the flexible vibration. To improve the angular position control performance, ASMC is introduced, which is able to guarantee the uniform boundedness and uniform ultimate boundedness, regardless of the uncertainty. The command trajectory is planned by the input shaper (IS) based on the reference model, which suppresses the flexible vibration of solar array. The simulation results verify the validity of the proposed control strategy.
Key words:
- input shaping /
- adaptive sliding mode control (ASMC) /
- solar array /
- drive system /
- flexible vibration
参数 数值 定子电阻/Ω 28 定子电感/H 0.134 极对数 12 转矩常数/(N·m·A-1) 9.22 额定电流/A 1.4 额定功率/W 22 传动比 325 最大静摩擦力矩/(N·m) 404.54 第一阶模态耦合系数 188.7 第二阶模态耦合系数 30.1 第一阶模态阻尼比 0.01 第二阶模态阻尼比 0.01 第一阶模态角频率/(rad·s-1) 1.789 第二阶模态角频率/(rad·s-1) 11.21 转动惯量/(kg·m2) 1.7×106 滑动摩擦力矩/(N·m) 324.31 表 2 3种控制器的仿真参数
Table 2. Simulation parameters of three controllers
控制器 参数 数值 PID控制 比例系数(位置环) 0.075 积分系数(位置环) 0.000 8 微分系数(位置环) 2 比例系数(速度环) 33.3 积分系数(速度环) 0.1 微分系数(速度环) 0 比例系数(电流环) 500 积分系数(电流环) 6 000 微分系数(电流环) 0 ASMC KP 1 530 KD 89 760 k 3 κ 150 χ 3 IS A1 0.26 A2 0.25 A3 0.25 A4 0.24 t1/s 0 t2/s 0.28 t3/s 1.76 t4/s 2.03 -
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