- 飞行汽车 /
- 双模式驱动 /
- 最佳切换时刻 /
- Simulink仿真 /
- 参数分析
Abstract:To solve power-matching problem during takeoff stage of folding wing flying car, the basic dynamic control strategy was studied.The dual-mode driving characteristics during takeoff stage were analyzed through theoretical calculation, and the concept of the optimal switching time was proposed.Based on the basic parameters and results of power-matching calculation of the concept car, the driving state simulation models under different working conditions were established in Simulink. According to the driving state simulation mo-dels, the simulation analyses on driving state during takeoff stage were conducted, and the dual-mode driver selection principle and optimum matching scheme of switching time were obtained.The calculation results show that the takeoff acceleration time is reduced by 22% and the takeoff distance is shortened by 13% based on dual-mode driving.The optimization analyses on transmission and vehicle parameters and variation of output characteristics were further conducted, from which the effect of the parameters on power performance during takeoff stage was obtained.
Key words:
- flying car /
- dual-mode driving /
- optimal switching time /
- Simulink simulation /
- parameter analysis
表 1 飞行汽车基本参数
Table 1. Main parameters of flying car
参数 数值 载荷W/N 6500 起飞速度/(km·h-1) 110 升阻比K 10 迎风面积A/m2 2 车轮半径r/m 0.52 螺旋桨传动比i 2.43 螺旋桨直径D/m 1.8 机翼投影面积Al/m2 9 表 2 双模式驱动与纯螺旋桨驱动结果对比
Table 2. Comparison of results of dual-mode driving and pure propeller driving
驱动方式 加速时间/s 起飞滑跑距离/m 纯螺旋桨驱动 16.87 276 双模式驱动 13.15 240 优化率/% 22.05 13.04 -
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