Abstract:When the care robot is navigating in the indoor 3D structured environment, it is faced with the disadvantage of the large computational cost for map building and the lack of semantic information in the map. This paper presents a hybrid map building method based on point and plane features, which combines the advantages of point and plane features in the map building. Furthermore, an indoor navigation system is built based on the proposed hybrid map. First, point and plane features are fast extracted, and then data association is achieved using the interpretation tree approach. The smoothing and mapping tool is utilized to construct the factor graph and jointly optimize robot poses and landmarks, and the hybrid map is refined and updated. Second, the indoor navigation system is built, which implements the 3D obstacle detection, path planning and motion control. Finally, the indoor navigation experiments were carried out in a corridor environment. With the 2D occupancy grid map constructed by laser as the reference, the performance of map building and robot localization accuracy were analyzed, which proves that the indoor navigation system based on hybrid map shows its advantages in indoor structured environments.
表 1 护理机器人样机指标
Table 1. Care robot prototype index
指标 数值 整机质量/kg 120 外形尺寸/(m×m×m) 0.9×0.65×1.35 机械臂自由度 7 Kinect安装高度/m 1.2 表 2 SLAM实验结果
Table 2. SLAM experimental results
实验结果 数值 轨迹长度/m 179.74 持续时间/s 617.53 数据帧数 6 176 关键帧数 1 495 平移误差均值/m 0.097 0 平移RMSE/m 0.106 3 旋转误差均值/(°) 1.084 0 旋转RMSE/(°) 1.194 1 表 3 SLAM各步骤平均运算时间
Table 3. Each SLAM step average runtime
步骤 运算时间/ms 特征平面提取 17.39 特征点提取 27.11 特征平面数据关联 9.66 特征点数据关联 22.78 因子图优化 116.07 地图改进 100.35 路标更新 193.50 总计 499.36 -
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