Abstract:Doping Se can significantly improve the recrystallization temperature of GeTe phase-change material according to recent experiments, endowing GeTe with a higher working temperature and better data retention. However, the impact of Se on the structure and electrical properties of GeTe is not clear. In this paper, we investigated the effect of Se on the microstructure, bonding characters and electrical properties of crystalline GeTe using first-principles calculation. The results show that the doping Se atom prefers to replace Te in ideal GeTe, while for GeTe systems with intrinsic Ge vacancies, Se tends to replace the Te atoms which are the nearest neighbors of Ge vacancy. The attraction between Se atom and Ge vacancies hinders the movement of Ge vacancies, and thus increases the recrystallization temperature. Furthermore, a shrink of lattice volume and a small reduction of band gap are found in rhombohedral GeTe with Ge vacancies through doping Se, while in face-centered cubic GeTe with Ge vacancies, Se doping causes an expansion in lattice volume and an increase in band gap. Doping Se reduces the volume discrepancy between the two crystalline phases. The calculation results provide clues for explaining the unique phase transformation phenomena of Se doped phase-change materials.
Key words:
- Se doped GeTe /
- Ge vacancy /
- phase-change materials /
- first-principles calculation /
- elemental doping
表 1 计算得到的单胞晶格数据
Table 1. Calculated crystal lattice datas of single cell
结构 a0/nm α/(°) V/nm3 Eg/eV 菱方相GeTe 0.608 6 88.14 0.225 05 0.62 菱方相Ge32Te31Se1 0.608 3 87.94 0.224 62 0.58 菱方相Ge31Te31Se1 0.605 8 87.77 0.221 88 0.58 菱方相Ge31Te32 0.606 2 87.82 0.222 34 0.59 菱方相Ge31Se1Te32 0.608 4 88.12 0.224 86 — 面心立方相GeTe 0.601 9 90 0.218 08 0.38 面心立方相Ge32Te31Se1 0.600 3 90 0.216 34 0.40 面心立方相Ge31Te31Se1 0.602 4 90 0.218 52 0.52 面心立方相Ge31Te32 0.599 4 90 0.215 37 0.31 面心立方相Ge31Se1Te32 0.601 0 90 0.217 04 — 注:晶格常数a0、晶胞角度α、惯用胞体积V以及带隙Eg。 表 2 Se掺杂完美GeTe不同取代位置的形成能
Table 2. Formation energy of Se doping at different substitution positions in ideal GeTe eV
eV Se掺杂 菱方相 面心立方相 富Ge 富Te 富Ge 富Te 取代Ge 1.05 0.88 0.67 0.50 取代Te -0.41 -0.24 -0.54 -0.37 -
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