- 多目标 /
- 可靠性优化设计 /
- 竞争博弈 /
- 随机设计变量集映射(RDVSM) /
- 博弈均衡解
Abstract:Aimed at the subjectivity of the selection of target weights, multi-objective reliability design optimization approach based on competition game is proposed. In this approach, every design objective is treated as the corresponding game player, and the random design variable set is decomposed into multiple strategy sets that are allocated to the corresponding player through the random design variable set mapping (RDVSM) technology. Then, combined with the performance measurement analysis method, every player takes its payoff as the single objective function for the reliability design optimization in its own strategy set, and the optimal results of all players form a group of strategies in this game round. After multi-round games, the equilibrium solution of the game is acquired. The study of a pressure vessel case and a gear reducer case shows that the proposed approach avoids the selection of target weights, and the design results have high objectivity.
表 1 压力容器随机变量的概率分布
Table 1. Probability distribution of random variables of pressure vessel
变量 均值 变异系数 均值范围 r/mm 595.8611 0.05 [2.54, 914.4] l/mm 999.7745 0.05 [2.54, 3556] t/mm 62.4510 0.05 [12.7, 152.4] 表 2 基于NSGA-Ⅱ的压力容器部分优化结果
Table 2. Part optimization results of pressure vessel based on NSGA-Ⅱ
变量 非劣解1 非劣解2 非劣解3 μtN/mm 107.554 0 108.746 8 106.403 1 μlN/mm 1 059.278 0 1 509.354 4 1 601.394 3 μrN/mm 795.133 5 815.710 1 827.923 2 μwN/kg 12 393.860 9 15 135.898 9 15 523.401 2 μvN/m3 4.207 6 5.425 9 5.822 7 表 3 基于加权法的压力容器优化结果
Table 3. Optimization results of pressure vessel based on weighted method
变量 权重组合1(ω1=0.01,ω2= 0.99) 权重组合2(ω1=0.1,ω2= 0.9) 权重组合3(ω1= ω2= 0.5) 权重组合4(ω1=0.9,ω2=0.1) 权重组合5(ω1=0.99,ω2= 0.01) μtW/mm 105.092 8 105.099 4 105.096 6 83.953 1 12.7 μlW/mm 1 719.527 4 1 713.351 9 1 721.302 9 2 093.012 8 962.011 8 μrW/mm 840.228 2 841.113 6 837.490 1 672.022 5 71.356 5 μwW/kg 16 187.338 1 16 184.143 9 16 121.364 6 10 387.539 0 54.265 2 μvW/m3 6.295 3 6.297 5 6.250 2 4.238 7 0.016 9 表 4 减速器随机变量的概率分布
Table 4. Probability distribution of random variables of reducer
cm 变量 均值 标准差 均值范围 齿面宽度x1 3.58 0.05 [2.6, 3.6] 齿轮模数x2 0.72 0.01 [0.7, 0.8] 轴1轴承间距x4 7.48 0.05 [7.3, 8.3] 轴2轴承间距x5 7.83 0.05 [7.3, 8.3] 轴1直径x6 3.37 0.05 [2.9, 3.9] 轴2直径x7 5.26 0.05 [5.0, 5.5] 注:齿轮1齿数x3(取整数)均值范围为[17, 28]。 表 5 基于NSGA-Ⅱ的减速器部分优化结果
Table 5. Part optimization results of reducer based on NSGA-Ⅱ
变量 非劣解1 非劣解2 非劣解3 μx1N/cm 3.579 8 3.588 4 3.582 3 μx2N/cm 0.701 7 0.700 9 0.701 1 μx3N 17 17 17 μx4N/cm 8.042 3 8.043 8 8.039 6 μx5N/cm 7.927 6 7.962 3 8.046 0 μx6N/cm 3.537 9 3.456 1 3.509 1 μx7N/cm 5.379 2 5.390 5 5.395 9 μf1N/cm3 3 194.976 0 3 195.355 4 3 210.576 2 μf2N/MPa 93.504 2 100.295 7 95.823 8 μf3N/MPa 80.688 1 80.183 7 79.944 4 表 6 基于加权法的减速器优化结果
Table 6. Optimization results of reducer based on weighted method
变量 权重组合1(ω1=0.02, ω2=ω3=0.49) 权重组合2(ω1=0.2, ω2=ω3=0.4) 权重组合3(ω1=ω2=ω3=1/3) 权重组合4(ω1=0.8, ω2=ω3=0.1) 权重组合5(ω1=0.98, ω2=ω3=0.01) μx1W/cm 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 μx2W/cm 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 μx3W 17 17 17 17 17 μx4W/cm 7.986 8 7.750 1 7.750 6 7.475 1 7.476 4 μx5W/cm 7.950 1 7.952 0 8.112 9 7.995 9 7.995 3 μx6W/cm 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.434 2 3.434 0 μx7W/cm 5.5 5.5 5.369 0 5.369 2 5.369 2 μf1W/cm3 3 313.345 3 3 310.516 3 3 226.071 3 3 077.533 3 3 077.463 2 μf2W/MPa 69.813 3 69.783 6 69.783 7 102.155 3 102.177 7 μf3W/MPa 75.490 7 75.493 9 81.153 4 81.143 2 81.143 2 -
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