- 信息物理融合系统(CPS) /
- 工业机器人 /
- 控制系统 /
- Modbus /
- 仿真
Abstract:Industrial robot system based on cyber-physical system (CPS) is a key and enabling technology for intelligent manufacturing. This paper presents an industrial robot system based on CPS approach, which is the fusion of physical world and information world. The system is divided into physical layer, network layer, control layer and application layer. Data from the physical layer are sent to the control layer via the communication layer to update the data in the information world. The application layer analyzes and optimizes these data to make decisions. In the control layer, the decisions are transformed into the device control data. The control data are sent to the physical layer to control the devices through the communication layer. A machining experiment is conducted to validate the feasibility of the method by using the ER3A-C60 industrial robot, MICRO-6013CM smart camera and in-house industrial control system.
Key words:
- cyber-physical system (CPS) /
- industrial robot /
- control system /
- Modbus /
- simulation
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