- 高轨航天器 /
- 全球导航卫星系统(GNSS) /
- 链路模型 /
- 强度分布 /
- 可用性
Abstract:In the application of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) in high-orbit environment, satellite signal propagation link is complex with large attenuation and non-uniform intensity distribution. These signal link characteristics influence theoretical analysis and engineering application. In order to solve these new problems, GNSS signal link model from GNSS transmitting antenna to high-orbit spacecraft receiver was established. Based on the signal link model, signal intensity distribution of high-orbit spacecraft was obtained by the equivalent gain overall link simulation. On this basis, the availability of dual constellation, three constellations or four constellations integrated GNSS was discussed and compared. It provides reliable theoretical basis for engineering applications such as GNSS signal characteristic analysis, sensitivity selection of multimode receiver and acquisition and tracking algorithm design.
表 1 HEO航天器轨道参数
Table 1. Orbital parameters of HEO spacecraft
参数 数值 半长轴/km 36 286 离心率 0.796 8 轨道倾角/(°) 6.04 升交点赤经/(°) 68 近地点幅角/(°) 180 表 2 GEO航天器可定位弧段百分比
Table 2. Percentage of GEO spacecraft positioning arc
接收机灵敏度/dBW 三星座联合(≥6颗) 双星座联合(≥5颗) GNSS四星座联合(≥7颗) GPS/GLONASS BDS/GLONASS BDS/GPS GPS/BDS/GLONASS -170 40.95 80.24 85.89 90.31 98.09 -171 73.06 89.55 95.06 97.05 100 -172 79.69 98.92 99.54 99.43 100 -173 87.30 99.14 99.65 99.77 100 -174 96.75 100 100 100 100 -175 98.01 100 100 100 100 -176 98.59 100 100 100 100 -177 100 100 100 100 100 表 3 HEO航天器可定位弧段百分比
Table 3. Percentage of HEO spacecraft positioning arc
接收机灵敏度/dBW 双星座联合(≥5颗) 三星座联合(≥6颗) GNSS四星座联合(≥7颗) GPS/GLONASS BDS/GLONASS BDS/GPS GPS/BDS/GLONASS -175 79.08 86.79 85.70 90.66 99.07 -176 81.50 89.23 88.37 93.61 99.37 -177 86.50 92.92 92.82 97.47 99.65 -178 90.11 95.29 94.65 98.78 99.68 -179 93.81 97.87 96.97 99.06 99.83 -180 97.47 98.69 98.45 99.30 100 -181 97.47 98.70 98.45 99.99 100 -
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