G 加速度载荷产生的传递力作用在驾驶杆和油门杆上的值分别为128 N和211 N,两者均已超过了通常操作杆所设计的有效阈值,因此存在误操作的可能。另外,本文结合仿真结果和国外现有战机设计,提出了短距离起飞下飞行员避免误操作的可行方式,结果显示该方式可以有效地转移加速度传递所带来的影响。本文方法将为在短距离起飞作用下避免误操作的分析提供技术途径,得到的结果将为驾驶部位的人机设计提供参考。Abstract:Acceleration overlord during short-distance takeoff might affect the operation performance of pilot. To avoid potential risks, a pilot-cockpit multi-rigid-body model was established to simulate the man-machine dynamic response under chest-to-back (Gx) acceleration loads. Firstly, using 3D CAD software, the multi-body pilot dummy was established according to the 3% male body measurement data. Also, the cockpit model including human-seat and control system (throttle stick and steering axle) was established according to the design parameters. The dynamic response between pilot and control sticks under a standard simulated Gx acceleration curve is simulated using the multibody dynamics simulation software ADAMS. The simulation result shows that the overload acceleration can transmit through the human body to the sticks. The transmission force generated by 5
G acceleration acting on the steering axle and throttle stick are 128 N and 211 N, both of which have exceeded the designed effective force threshold, leading to a potential risk of misoperation. Further, considering the simulation results and the existing foreign fighter design, we proposed an effective posture for the pilot to avoid misoperation, which was validated by the simulation in this paper. In conclusion, the proposed method provides an effective technology to avoid the misoperation in short-distance takeoff. The results would give a reference for the man-machine safety design.-
Key words:
- pilot /
- short-distance takeoff /
- operation effect /
- multi-rigid-body model /
- biomechanics
表 1 一般青年男子主要关节的活动范围
Table 1. Main joint motion range of average young men
关节名称 运动方向 活动角度范围/(°) 最小值 最大值 肩关节 向前伸展 172 195 向后伸展 51 170 侧向伸展 116 163 肘关节 前臂运动屈曲 129 155 前臂运动内旋 76 145 前臂运动外旋 93 145 髋关节 向前伸展 99 112 向后伸展 41 75 侧向伸展 65 101 向内扭转 45 90 向外扭转 39 60 膝关节 屈折 128 150 踝关节 向下屈折 22 55 向上屈折 35 52 -
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