Abstract:As a typical safety critical system, spacecraft is generally a complex system, which could produce a large amount of test data during the comprehensive testing process.When querying these test data, the existing B/S data query technology obtains data from the database server for each query, which greatly consumes the database server resources, takes up a lot of network bandwidth, and results in pooroverall performance of the system and poor user experience.Based on the classical Web cache replacement algorithm GDSF, this paper proposes a Web cache replacement algorithm GDSF-STW which is suitable for B/S architecture data query system by analyzing the characteristics of test data of the safety critical system and the behavior of user query.Based on the classical Web cache replacement algorithm GDSF, this algorithm introduces the time decay model in data mining and adopts the idea of sliding time window to improve the cache hit rate, system performance, and user experience. Finally, the experimental results show that the GDSF-STW has a better hit rate by comparing the GDSF-STW with the classical algorithms such as LRU, LFU, LFU-DA and GDSF.
表 1 航天器综合测试数据表结构示例
Table 1. Spacecraft comprehensive testing data table structure example
字段名称 中文描述 数据类型 备注 填写举例 TIME 时间信息 TIMESTAMP 主键
09:00:00.000X001 X001 NUMBER 3.38 X002 X002 NUMBER 9.88 ┇ ┇ ┇ ┇ XXXX XXXX NUMBER 38.08 表 2 日志记录格式
Table 2. Logging format
参数示例查询提交时间 查询参数列表包括多行,每行表示一条参数信息
2017-03-19 08:08:31航天器型号 XXXXXXXX 测试阶段 PHASE1 查询开始时间 2017-03-18 21:06:48 查询结束时间 2017-03-18 23:09:16 是否查询源码信息 true 查询参数个数 3 DATE1, XX, XX, XX, …; 查询参数列表 DATE2, XX, XX, XX, …; DATE3, XX, XX, XX, …; 表 3 事务记录格式
Table 3. Transaction record format
事务记录项 事务记录项说明 事务记录项示例 查询提交时间 事务TID随查询提交时间的增长而增长,相邻2个
2017-03-19 08:08:31查询事务的TID相差1 事务TID 999888 访问Web对象个数 189 XXXXXXXX_DATE1_XX_XX_XX_8_1000000xxxx Web对象列表 Web对象列表用来记录Web对象的名称,每一行表 XXXXXXXX_DATE2_XX_XX_XX_9_1000000xxxx 示一个Web对象 ┇ XXXXXXXX_DATEn_XX_XX_XX_3_100000xxxxx -
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