Abstract:The existing elastomeric damper models commonly introduce dynamic amplitude parameter for applying to wide amplitude situation. It is inconvenient to time domain analysis of helicopter rotor-fuselage coupled dynamic stability on account of the dynamic amplitude changing in time domain. Aimed at this problem, the calculation methods of dynamic amplitude parameter were given for single and double frequency excitation cases while the lagging damping ratio is little. The amplitude curves calculated by the method describe the response amplitudes well while the system is in the state of convergence, neutral stable, or divergence. The improved model of elastomeric damper was used for nonlinear time domain analysis of helicopter ground resonance. The calculation method of excitation moment at blade was given for exciting the regressive lagging mode responses accurately. For different rotor speeds and complex modulus states, the response amplitudes excited by the excitation moment determined by the moment calculation method were compared with the desired values, and the maximum error is under 6%. After the regressive lagging mode responses are analyzed, it is known that the regressive lagging mode responses decay faster than the linearization results, and its modal damping increases in time domain due to the elastomeric damper nonlinearity while system is stable.
Key words:
- helicopter /
- elastomeric damper /
- nonlinear /
- time domain analysis /
- ground (air) resonance
表 1 直升机主要参数
Table 1. Main parameters of helicopter
参数 数值 桨叶片数 4 桨叶质量/kg 42.3 桨叶对摆振铰静矩/(kg·m) 123.7 桨叶对摆振铰惯性矩/(kg·m2) 457 摆振铰外伸量/m 0.23 减摆器到摆振铰距离/m 0.35 机体纵向当量质量/kg 2 000 机体纵向固有频率/Hz 1 机体纵向当量阻尼/(N·s·m-1) 1 000 机体横向当量质量/kg 800 机体横向固有频率/Hz 1.5 机体横向当量阻尼/(N·s·m-1) 500 -
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