Abstract:Improving the pilot's situational awareness is an effective measure to ensure flight safety under the complex meteorological environment and system failure conditions. Based on the complex dynamics of pilot-vehicle-environment simulation, the risk variation trend of multiple flight safety parameters is predicted under a certain manipulation command, and the flight safety spectrum and flight risk probability for the flight condition are obtained by the superposition of the flight safety parameters' risk degrees. Through the parallel simulation, the flight risk topology contour in the whole operation space is calculated, and the flight safety manipulation space is constructed to guide the pilot to manipulate correctly. The flight safety operation space, the accident mechanism and the main sensitive parameters are analyzed under the icing environment and rudder surface jammed conditions. The simulation results show that the external environment mutation or sudden system failure can lead to safety manipulation space reduction or even distortion. The proposal of safety manipulation space under the complex conditions could not only provide an intuitive and comprehensive reference to improve the pilot's situational awareness, but also provide a visual analytical method for the accident evolution.
表 1 安全相关的飞行参数色彩化区间实例
Table 1. Example for colored interval of safety related flight parameters
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