Analysis and optimization of 2-DOF micro-positioning stage based on flexible hinges
为改进微动平台的动态特性,提出了一种解耦的基于柔性铰链的二自由度微动平台。首先,综合考虑倒圆角直梁型柔性铰链与微动平台的结构特点,设计了一种新型的二自由度微动平台; 其次,推导了该微动平台的等效刚度计算模型,并通过理论计算与有限元仿真分析对比,验证了理论模型的正确性; 同时探讨了各结构参数对微动平台等效刚度的影响,并进行了灵敏度对比和分析; 再次,以提高二自由度微动平台的等效刚度为目标,建立了其优化设计模型,并采用自适应粒子群优化算法对该微动平台的主要结构参数进行了优化。最后,理论计算了该微动平台的固有频率,并通过有限元仿真分析验证了其正确性。上述分析证明了该机构的可行性及有效性。
- 二自由度微动平台 /
- 倒圆角直梁型柔性铰链 /
- 有限元分析 /
- 参数优化 /
- 固有频率
Abstract:In order to improve the dynamic characteristics of the micro-positioning stage, a decoupled two-degree-of-freedom (2-DOF) parallel flexure-hinge micro-positioning stage is proposed. First, a new type of 2-DOF micro-positioning stage is designed based on the structure characteristics of the corner-filleted flexure hinge and micro-positioning stage. Second, the equivalent stiffness model of the micro-positioning stage is deduced, and the correctness of the theoretical model is verified by comparing the theoretical results with the finite element simulation. And at the same time, the influence of different structural parameters on micro-positioning stage is discussed, and the sensitivity comparison and analysis are conducted. Then, to improve the 2-DOF micro-positioning platform equivalent stiffness as the goal, the optimization model is established, and the adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to optimize the main structure parameters of the micro-positioning stage. Finally, the natural frequency of the stage is calculated, and its correctness is verified by finite element simulation. The above analysis proves the feasibility and effectiveness of the mechanism.
表 1 二自由度微动平台结构参数
Table 1. Structural parameters of 2-DOF micro-positioning stage
mm 参数 b s1 m r t h 数值 85 3.3 3.3 4 2 20 表 2 x轴方向位移仿真值、理论值及其相对误差
Table 2. x-axis displacement simulation value, theoretical value and its relative error
力/N x轴方向位移 理论值/(10-7m) 仿真值/(10-7m) 相对误差/% 2 1.048 8 1.065 3 1.57 4 2.097 5 2.132 5 1.67 6 3.146 3 3.197 0 1.61 8 4.195 1 4.260 7 1.56 10 5.243 8 5.320 2 1.46 12 6.286 4 6.376 3 1.43 14 7.342 3 7.443 6 1.38 16 8.396 5 8.509 0 1.34 18 9.390 2 9.511 3 1.29 20 10.534 5 10.667 2 1.26 表 3 优化前后二自由度微动平台等效刚度对比
Table 3. Comparison of equivalent stiffness of 2-DOF micro-positioning stage before and after optimization
等效刚度/(N·m-1) 优化率/% 优化前 优化后 1.907×107 2.116×107 10.96 表 4 二自由度微动平台前5阶固有频率仿真值
Table 4. The first five natural frequency simulation values of 2-DOF micro-positioning stage
阶数 固有频率仿真值/Hz 1阶 116.04 2阶 160.94 3阶 232.65 4阶 284.39 5阶 358.20 -
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