- 纹理分类 /
- 多特征融合 /
- 特征词袋(BoF) /
- 灰度梯度共生矩阵(GGCM) /
- 尺度不变特征转换(SIFT)
Abstract:The obvious shortcomings of bag of feature (BoF) model are lack of spatial and geometric information in image representation, and poor description of the content of texture image. To solve these problems, we proposed a texture image classification method based on BoF model with multi-feature fusion. The method fuses gray gradient co-occurrence matrix (GGCM) and scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) as the basic feature description of texture image, uses a dynamic weight to identify energy analysis for the optimal parameter feature selection, quantifies texture feature by BoF, then applies support vector machine to train and predict the image, and finally obtains the classification results. The experimental results show that the proposed method has better performance of texture classification into rotated texture, twisted texture, edge fuzzy texture, light changing texture, messy texture, etc. The average classification accuracy of the proposed method on the UIUC texture database increases by 12.8% and 7.9% respectively compared with the conventional BoF model and concave-convex partition (CCP) methods, which indicates that the proposed method has higher accuracy and better robustness for texture image classification.
表 1 单一特征及其结合BoF模型分类正确率比较
Table 1. Comparison of classification accuracy of single feature and its BoF model
% 特征 分类正确率 GLCM GGCM 单一特征 75.8 87.8 结合BoF模型 78.3 90.6 表 2 特征词典容量对PBoFF算法分类性能的影响
Table 2. Effect of feature dictionary capacity on classification performance of PBoFF algorithm
词典容量 分类正确率/% 时间/s 58 94.4 3.688 821 116 96.5 5.364 589 290 98.4 15.394 532 580 98.1 33.014 725 -
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