Abstract:Aimed at the problem that the early fault of the flywheel is difficult to detect and the precision mathematical model is difficult to be established, a fault detection method based on the characteristics of chaotic attractor is proposed. This method uses the auxiliary curved surface function and the system parameters to construct the discrete dynamical system. The approximate chaotic attractors obtained from normal data through iteration are different with the ones obtained from fault data. The difference could be used as feature for fault detection. The simulation results show that the discrete dynamical system constructed by this method can generate the chaotic attractor stably. The chaotic attractor is independent of the initial iteration point. The same faults under different working conditions have the same characteristics. The chaotic attractor feature is sensitive to small fault.
Key words:
- flywheels /
- chaotic attractor /
- curved surface iteration /
- fault detection /
- radon transform
表 1 飞轮仿真模型参数设置
Table 1. Parameter setting of flywheel simulation model
参数 数值 驱动增益Gd/(A·V-1) 1 电机转动系数Kt/(N·m·A-1) 0.19 电机电动势反馈系数Ke/(V·rad-1·s-1) 0.29 转速限制增益系数Ks/(V·rad-1·s-1) 95 转速限制阈值ωs/ (r·min-1) 690 静摩擦力矩τc/(N·m) 0.002 飞轮转动惯量J/(N·m·s2) 0.078 电机磁极数量Np 36 滑动摩擦力矩τv/(N·m·s·rad-1) 0.037 输入电阻Rin/Ω 2 力矩噪声引起的角误差θα/rad 0.05 高通噪声滤波器频率ωα/(rad·s-1) 0.2 电压反馈增益kf 0.5 -
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