Abstract:Motivated by identifying the turn rate of fighter zigzag maneuver under the background of colored measurement noise, the joint estimation and identification algorithm with colored measurement noise is proposed based on expectation maximization (EM) algorithm by considering the characteristics of the coupling between the target state and the turn rate. The colored noise whitening is realized by using the measurement difference scheme, and thus, the turn rate identification problem with colored measurement noise is transformed into the turn rate identification problem with one-step delayed state. The joint estimation and identification of both fighter zigzag maneuver target states and turn rate are achieved by EM algorithm:in the E-step, the target state posteriori estimation is achieved accurately using the high-degree cubature Kalman smoothers (HCKS) algorithm with colored measurement noise; in the M-step, the analytical identification result of turn rate is obtained by maximizing the conditional likelihood function. It is verified in the final simulation that the proposed algorithm performs better in terms of target state estimation and turn rate identification accuracy than the traditional augmentation method and interacting multi-model algorithm. Furthermore, the performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated and analyzed from two aspects of window length and maximum number of iterations. The simulation results show that the larger the window length and the maximum number of iterations are, the higher the precision is.
表 1 k=50 s时的角速度和状态所耗费的时间
Table 1. Turn rate and state calculation time when k=50 s
滑动窗口长度 时间/s 5 0.046 5 10 0.104 8 15 0.122 2 20 0.164 9 表 2 k=120 s时的角速度和状态所耗费的时间
Table 2. Turn rate and state calculation time when k=120 s
最大迭代次数 时间/s 3 0.049 5 5 0.082 7 10 0.159 9 15 0.257 7 -
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