Abstract:To deal with the insufficient capability of the existing airport ground movement disruption recovery approaches in handling some major kinds of disruptive events such as the deviation from the planned route and the closure of a taxiway and the lack of optimisation criteria in taxiing trajectory adjustment, a mixed-integer programming based disruption recovery approach was proposed. The planned trajectories of aircraft affected by the disruptive events were adjusted in a coordinated manner using optimisation techniques, with the aim to reduce the impact of disruptive events on the ground movement efficiency and the scheduling of other airport surface operations. An iterative conflict avoidance strategy was introduced to improve the solution efficiency. The experimental results based on real-world airport layout demonstrate that the proposed approach can quickly and effectively adjust the planned trajectories of aircraft in response to two kinds of major disruptive events (i.e., the deviation from the planned route and the closure of a taxiway), recovering the order and safety status of airport ground movement.
表 1 航空器目标位置到达时间变化
Table 1. Change of aircraft destination arrival time
s 航空器 初始值 调整后 变化量 a1 382 382 0 a2 369 388 19 a3 482 482 0 a4 395 403 8 a5 582 582 0 a6 501 501 0 a7 779 782 3 -
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