Influence of ionization on hypersonic thermo-chemical non-equilibrium aerodynamic thermal environments
Abstract:The high temperature gas after shock wave occurs to ionize in hypersonic flight, which makes the aerodynamic thermal environments to be complicated. The 5 species (N2, O2, NO, O, N), 7 species (N2, O2, NO, O, N, NO+, e-) and 11 species (N2, O2, NO, O, N, N2+, O2+, NO+, O+, N+, e-) thermo-chemical reactions of Gupta's chemical reaction model were taken to numerically study the influence of ionization on hypersonic thermo-chemical non-equilibrium aerodynamic thermal environments, respectively. The characteristics of hypersonic thermo-chemical non-equilibrium ionization flow field aerodynamic thermal environments in different catalytic wall conditions were also researched. The effect of ionization on the shock standoff distance and the aerodynamic force load is very small. The flow filed temperature and the wall heat flux calculated by 5 species thermo-chemical non-equilibrium reactions are much bigger because the effect of ionization is not considered. The hypersonic strong ionization flow field temperature calculated by 11 species thermo-chemical equilibrium reactions is the lowest. The amounts of NO+ and e- in hypersonic weak ionization flow field calculated by 7 species thermo-chemical non-equilibrium reactions are too small. The aerodynamic force and the wall heat flux loads in hypersonic thermo-chemical non-equilibrium ionization flow field can be effectively predicted by 11 species thermo-chemical reactions. The wall heat flux increases when the effect of wall catalysis is considered. However, the temperature of hypersonic thermo-chemical non-equilibrium ionization flow field and the aerodynamic force load are less affected by the wall catalysis.
Key words:
- hypersonic /
- ionize /
- thermo-chemical non-equilibrium /
- aerodynamic thermal environment /
- catalytic wall
表 1 Gupta化学反应模型
Table 1. Gupta's chemical reaction model
序号 化学反应式 1 N2+ M1⇌2N+M1 2 N2+N⇌2N+N 3 O2+M2⇌2O+M2 4 NO+M2⇌N+O+M2 5 N2+O⇌NO+N 6 NO+O⇌O2+N 7 N+O⇌NO++e- 8 O+e-⇌O++e-+e- 9 N+e-⇌N++e-+e- 10 O+O⇌O2++e- 11 O+O2+⇌O2+O+ 12 N2+N+⇌N+N2+ 13 N+N⇌N2++e- 14 O2+N2⇌NO+NO++e- 15 NO+M3⇌NO++e-+M3 16 O+NO+⇌NO+O+ 17 N2+O+⇌O+N2+ 18 N+NO+⇌NO+N+ 19 O2+NO+⇌NO+O2 20 O+NO+⇌O2+N+ 注:M1= N2, O2, O, NO; M2= N2, O2,N, O, NO; M3= N2, O2。 -
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