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张悦 王志鹏 李强

张悦, 王志鹏, 李强等 . GBAS基准站布设方案设计与评估方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 44(12): 2545-2555. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0080
引用本文: 张悦, 王志鹏, 李强等 . GBAS基准站布设方案设计与评估方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 44(12): 2545-2555. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0080
ZHANG Yue, WANG Zhipeng, LI Qianget al. A design and evaluation strategy for GBAS reference station layout scheme[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 44(12): 2545-2555. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0080(in Chinese)
Citation: ZHANG Yue, WANG Zhipeng, LI Qianget al. A design and evaluation strategy for GBAS reference station layout scheme[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 44(12): 2545-2555. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0080(in Chinese)


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0080

国家自然科学基金 61501010

国家自然科学基金 U1433114

国家自然科学基金 61501014

国家自然科学基金 61521091

航空科学基金 2015ZC51035


    张悦  女, 硕士研究生。主要研究方向:地基增强系统

    王志鹏  男, 博士, 讲师, 硕士生导师。主要研究方向:卫星导航民航/军航/通航应用的完好性监测技术

    李强  男, 博士研究生, 高级工程师。主要研究方向:地基增强系统


    王志鹏,E-mail: wangzhipeng@buaa.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: V221+.3;TB553

A design and evaluation strategy for GBAS reference station layout scheme


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61501010

National Natural Science Foundation of China U1433114

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61501014

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61521091

Aeronautical Science Foundation of China 2015ZC51035

More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  5个机场地形情况及基准站布设

    Figure 1.  Terrain and reference station layouts of five airports

    图 2  5个机场播发的σpr_gnd

    Figure 2.  Broadcast σpr_gnd of five airports

    图 3  不同基准站数目下的VPL

    Figure 3.  VPL for different numbers of reference stations

    图 4  GIG B值异常与正常时间下σpr_gnd比较

    Figure 4.  Comparison of σpr_gnd values of GIG B-valuebetween fault-occurrence time and normal time

    图 5  2个基准天线与卫星的几何关系

    Figure 5.  Geometric relationship between two reference antennas and a satellite

    图 6  星历故障条件下天线与卫星的几何关系

    Figure 6.  Geometric relationship between antenna and satellite under an ephemeris fault

    图 7  MDEE与基线长度和卫星仰角的关系

    Figure 7.  MDEE as a function of baseline length and satellite elevation

    图 8  有效基线与跑道方向的关系

    Figure 8.  Relationship between effective baseline and runway direction

    图 9  可检测电离层梯度范围与基线长度关系

    Figure 9.  Relationship between detectable ionospheric slant gradient range and baseline length

    图 10  GBAS基准站布设方案示例A和B

    Figure 10.  Sample GBAS reference station layout schemes A and B

    图 11  机场限制下GBAS基准站布设方案示例C和D

    Figure 11.  Sample GBAS reference station layout schemes C and D under limited airport conditions

    图 12  4种方案可监测电离层梯度范围

    Figure 12.  Detectable ionospheric slant gradient ranges of four schemes

    表  1  不同基准站数目下KffmdKmd取值

    Table  1.   Values of Kffmd and Kmd for different numbers of reference stations

    乘积因子 基准站数目
    2 3 4 5 6
    Kffmd 5.762 5.810 5.847 5.877 5.903
    Kmd 2.935 2.898 2.878 2.865 2.856
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    表  2  VPL随基准站数目增大而减小的百分比统计

    Table  2.   Decreasing VPL percentage as number of reference stations increases

    M VPL减小百分比
    2 →3 42.66 16.88
    3 →4 8.70 1.51
    4 →5 2.66 0.83
    5 →6 1.78 0.49
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    表  3  4种方案6条基线有效长度以及MDEE

    Table  3.   Effective lengths and ephemeris monitor MDEE of six baselines in four schemes

    方案 参数 l12 l13 l14 l23 l24 l34
    A 有效长度 256 400 164.55 144 91.45 235.45
    MDEE 1754 1123 2730 3120 4915 1907
    B 有效长度 400 544 257.12 144 142.88 286.88
    MDEE 1123 826 1747 3120 3144 1566
    C 有效长度 122 200 78.42 78 43.58 121.58
    MDEE 3683 2247 5750 5782 10404 3697
    D 有效长度 200 322 128.56 122 71.44 193.44
    MDEE 2247 1395 3499 3683 6290 2322
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    表  4  星历MDEE、电离层梯度监视范围统计结果

    Table  4.   Statistics of ephemeris monitor MDEE and detectable ionospheric slant gradient ranges

    方案 MDEE 电离层梯度监视
    极大值/m 极小值/m 均值/
    MDEE < 3000m占比/% 范围/(mm·km-1) 范围在[0, 2000]mm/
    A 4 915 1123 2592 66.67 [114.2, 2000] 94.29
    B 3144 826 1921 66.67 [83.93, 1311]∪[1484, 2000] 87.15
    C 10404 2247 5261 16.7 [228.3, 2000] 88.59
    D 6290 1395 3239 50 [141.8, 2000] 92.91
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