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门平 董世运 闫世兴 康学良 李恩重

门平, 董世运, 闫世兴, 等 . 热处理及测量方式对纵波声速评价材料硬度的影响[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 44(11): 2312-2320. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0086
引用本文: 门平, 董世运, 闫世兴, 等 . 热处理及测量方式对纵波声速评价材料硬度的影响[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 44(11): 2312-2320. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0086
MEN Ping, DONG Shiyun, YAN Shixing, et al. Influence of heat treatment and measurement methods on material hardness evaluation by longitudinal wave velocity[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 44(11): 2312-2320. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0086(in Chinese)
Citation: MEN Ping, DONG Shiyun, YAN Shixing, et al. Influence of heat treatment and measurement methods on material hardness evaluation by longitudinal wave velocity[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 44(11): 2312-2320. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0086(in Chinese)


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0086

国家重点研发计划 2016YFB1100205

国家重点研发计划 2017YFF0207905

国家自然科学基金 51705532

北京市科技专项 Z161100004916009

北京市科技计划 Z161100001516007


    门平  男,博士研究生。主要研究方向:超声检测技术、材料力学性能无损检测与评价

    董世运  男,博士,研究员,博士生导师。主要研究方向:表面工程、激光制造与再制造及其质量无损检测评价


    董世运, E-mail:syd422@sohu.com

  • 中图分类号: TG115.28;TH878

Influence of heat treatment and measurement methods on material hardness evaluation by longitudinal wave velocity


National Key R & D Program of China 2016YFB1100205

National Key R & D Program of China 2017YFF0207905

National Natural Science Foundation of China 51705532

the Beijing Major Science and Technology Projects Z161100004916009

the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Projects Z161100001516007

More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  材料力学性能指标-微观组织-无损检测信号特征参量之间的关系

    Figure 1.  Relationship among material mechanical property indices, microstructure and non-destructive testing signal characteristic parameters

    图 2  超声检测方法评价材料力学性能标定过程框图

    Figure 2.  Block diagram of calibration process of material mechanical property evaluation by ultrasonic testing method

    图 3  测量门信号与接收超声纵波信号位置(测量方法1)

    Figure 3.  Measured position of gate signal and received ultrasonic longitudinal wave signal (Measuring method 1)

    图 4  测量门信号与接收超声纵波信号位置(测量方法2)

    Figure 4.  Measured position of gate signal and received ultrasonic longitudinal wave signal (Measuring method 2)

    图 5  超声纵波检测系统框图

    Figure 5.  Block diagram of ultrasonic longitudinal wave testing system

    图 6  标定45钢试件不同热处理微观组织

    Figure 6.  Calibrated 45 steel specimens with different heat treated microstructures

    图 7  超声纵波探头幅频特性

    Figure 7.  Ultrasonic longitudinal wave probe amplitude-frequency characteristics

    图 8  超声纵波声时和声速随标定试件热处理方法的变化

    Figure 8.  Variation of ultrasonic longitudinal wave propagation time and velocity with calibrated specimen heat treatment system

    图 9  标定试件硬度与测量方法1和2所得超声纵波声速线性拟合

    Figure 9.  Linear fitting between calibrated specimen hardness and ultrasonic longitudinal wave velocity measured by measuring method 1 and 2

    图 10  不同热处理45钢试件X射线衍射图

    Figure 10.  X-ray diffraction patterns of different heat treated 45 steel specimens

    图 11  不同热处理45钢试件硬度随晶格畸变程度变化

    Figure 11.  Variation of hardness of different heat treated 45 steel specimens with lattice distortion degree

    图 12  不同热处理45钢试件超声纵波声速随晶格畸变程度变化

    Figure 12.  Variation of ultrasonic longitudinal wave velocity of different heat treated 45 steel specimens with lattice distortion degree

    表  1  标定45钢试件热处理方法及硬度

    Table  1.   Heat treatment methods and hardness of calibrated 45 steel specimens

    热处理方法 冷却方式 回火温度/℃ 保温时间/min 硬度/HBW
    A 炉冷 129
    N 空冷 155
    600T 空冷 600 30 192
    400T 空冷 400 30 340
    200T 空冷 200 30 489
    WQ 水冷 522
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    表  2  标定试件超声纵波声速(测量方法1)

    Table  2.   Calibrated specimen ultrasonic longitudinal wave velocity (Measuring method 1)

    热处理方法 d/mm 一次回波 二次回波 vL/(m·s-1)
    t1/μs Et1/μs t2/μs Et2/μs
    A 18.98 9.397 9 0.001 15.827 6 0.001 5 904
    N 18.99 9.391 7 0.001 15.830 1 0.008 5 899
    600T 18.98 9.373 4 0.002 15.827 0 0.003 5 882
    400T 18.99 9.351 3 0.004 15.814 1 0.005 5 876
    200T 18.98 9.335 4 0.003 15.828 5 0.005 5 846
    WQ 18.98 9.315 4 0.008 15.843 0 0.009 5 815
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    表  3  标定试件超声纵波声速(测量方法2)

    Table  3.   Calibrated specimen ultrasonic longitudinal wave velocity (Measuring method 2)

    热处理方法 d/mm t/μs Et/μs vL/(m·s-1)
    A 18.98 3.213 2 0.006 5 907
    N 18.99 3.217 8 0.009 5 901
    600T 18.98 3.224 3 0.003 5 886
    400T 18.99 3.233 0 0.005 5 873
    200T 18.98 3.243 8 0.005 5 851
    WQ 18.98 3.273 4 0.009 5 798
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    表  4  不同热处理45钢试件晶格畸变程度

    Table  4.   Degree of lattice distortion of different heat treated 45 steel specimens

    热处理方法 晶格畸变程度/%
    A 0
    N 0.033
    600T 0.094
    400T 0.168
    200T 0.369
    WQ 0.509
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