Influence of heat treatment and measurement methods on material hardness evaluation by longitudinal wave velocity
Abstract:Hardness is one of the important indexes of mechanical performance of materials, and employing ultrasonic nondestructive testing method for hardness evaluation faces many challenges now. In this paper, through setting up high-precision ultrasonic wave transmission time measurement system, the longitudinal wave propagation time in the thickness direction of different heat treated 45 steel specimens was measured by pulse reflected echo method, and the longitudinal wave velocity was calculated. Simultaneously, the gate signal measurement methods were changed, and the effects of different heat treatment and gate signal measurement methods on hardness evaluation by the longitudinal wave velocity were studied.On this basis, the mapping relationship among material hardness, microstructure and longitudinal wave velocity was obtained, and the calibration model for evaluating the hardness of 45 steel specimens by longitudinal wave velocity was established and verified. The hardness prediction error by the calibration model meets the error requirement of 10% for engineering application.
Key words:
- longitudinal wave velocity /
- hardness /
- microstructure /
- measurement signal /
- mapping relationship
表 1 标定45钢试件热处理方法及硬度
Table 1. Heat treatment methods and hardness of calibrated 45 steel specimens
热处理方法 冷却方式 回火温度/℃ 保温时间/min 硬度/HBW A 炉冷 129 N 空冷 155 600T 空冷 600 30 192 400T 空冷 400 30 340 200T 空冷 200 30 489 WQ 水冷 522 表 2 标定试件超声纵波声速(测量方法1)
Table 2. Calibrated specimen ultrasonic longitudinal wave velocity (Measuring method 1)
热处理方法 d/mm 一次回波 二次回波 vL/(m·s-1) t1/μs Et1/μs t2/μs Et2/μs A 18.98 9.397 9 0.001 15.827 6 0.001 5 904 N 18.99 9.391 7 0.001 15.830 1 0.008 5 899 600T 18.98 9.373 4 0.002 15.827 0 0.003 5 882 400T 18.99 9.351 3 0.004 15.814 1 0.005 5 876 200T 18.98 9.335 4 0.003 15.828 5 0.005 5 846 WQ 18.98 9.315 4 0.008 15.843 0 0.009 5 815 表 3 标定试件超声纵波声速(测量方法2)
Table 3. Calibrated specimen ultrasonic longitudinal wave velocity (Measuring method 2)
热处理方法 d/mm t/μs Et/μs vL/(m·s-1) A 18.98 3.213 2 0.006 5 907 N 18.99 3.217 8 0.009 5 901 600T 18.98 3.224 3 0.003 5 886 400T 18.99 3.233 0 0.005 5 873 200T 18.98 3.243 8 0.005 5 851 WQ 18.98 3.273 4 0.009 5 798 表 4 不同热处理45钢试件晶格畸变程度
Table 4. Degree of lattice distortion of different heat treated 45 steel specimens
热处理方法 晶格畸变程度/% A 0 N 0.033 600T 0.094 400T 0.168 200T 0.369 WQ 0.509 -
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