Abstract:The analog complex correlator used in aperture synthesis radiometers is easy to be affected by many complicated factors, for example ambient temperature, signal crosstalk and so on. These factors result in correlator offset value change with time, which will significantly impact the performance of aperture synthesis radiometers. Real-time elimination of the effect of complex correlator offset value is the difficult and key point in the design of aperture synthesis radiometers. In this paper, a calibration method using vector modulator is proposed to eliminate in real time the effect of complex correlator offset value. Through algorithm derivation and argumentation, the proposed method is verified in the existing aperture synthesis radiometers, and the results show that it perfectly eliminates the effect of correlator offset value. Residual offset value is less than 5%, and calibration time is limited to the integration time of complex correlator, which is mentioned in this paper is at a millisecond level. The real-time calibration method proposed in this paper is efficient and easy to implement, which can be widely used in the systems where this kind of interference needs to be eliminated.
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