Auxiliary polarization sensitive array beamforming based on non-circularity restoral
- 极化敏感阵列(PSA) /
- 非圆特征恢复 /
- 自适应波束形成 /
- 辅助阵列 /
- 二相编码
Abstract:In order to reduce the application cost of polarization sensitive array (PSA), optimize the utilization efficiency of polarization information and improve the filtering performance under the condition of steering vector mismatch, an auxiliary polarization sensitive array (APSA) model and a beamforming algorithm based on binary phase coded signal non-circularity restoral are proposed in this paper. In APSA, partial elements in single polarization linear array are turned into dual polarized elements; assuming that steering vector is unknown, the received signal covariance matrix and the conjugate covariance matrix are calculated, and a new covariance matrix is eigen-decomposed to determine the weight vector filtering in accordance with the non-circularity maximum criterion. This paper analyzes the performance of the array model, discusses the minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) algorithm and the eigen-subspace projection (EP) algorithm, and makes a comparative analysis. The simulation results show that the non-circularity restoral algorithm of the binary phase coded signal will not be affected by the steering vector error, and it has excellent anti-jamming performance and strong robustness under the APSA model.
表 1 实验1详细参数设置
Table 1. Detailed parameter setting in Experiment 1
参数 信号 干扰1 干扰2 θ/(°) 15 14 17 γ/(°) 78 30 45 η/(°) 45 75 25 -
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