为解决直升机大气数据系统中采用传统空速测量方法所带来的缺陷,提出了一种基于光学原理的大气测速系统实现方案和一种矢量风速及大气数据的快速分解反演方法,并基于该方案设计了光学大气测速系统。该系统根据大气中气溶胶粒子米散射和多普勒效应原理,优化了系统受感器、解调器和高速信号采集处理方案。通过仿真验证了该系统性能指标,系统最大前向可探测空速可达450 km/h,真空速探测精度优于±1 km/h。利用搭建的光学测速试验样机进行地面跑车试验,并与传统的空速测量系统进行对比分析,验证了本文方法和系统的有效性和可靠性。
Abstract:In order to solve the defect within traditional airspeed measurement method adopted by helicopter air data system, this paper presents a scheme of airspeed measurement system based on optical and a rapid inversion method of airspeed vector with other airdata. An optical airspeed measurement system is designed based on this method. According to the principle of Mie scattering of aerosol and Doppler effect, the sensor, demodulator and high-speed signal acquisition and processing scheme is optimized in the system. The performance of the system was verified by computer simulation, in which the maximum forward detectable airspeed of the system can reach 450 km/h, and the detection accuracy of true airspeed can be better than ±1 km/h. The optical airspeed measurement system prototype is tested on ground vehicle to compare with the traditional airspeed measurement system, and the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed method and the optical airspeed measurement system are verified.
Key words:
- atmospheric parameter /
- helicopter /
- sensor /
- three-axis airspeed measurement /
- integration
表 1 解算角度实测分析
Table 1. Actual measurement analysis of angle calculation
角度 时间/s 误差/(°) 均方误差/(°) 攻角 0~1200 1.19 2.93 1200~2400 0.53 2.94 2400~3600 0.17 2.84 3600~4800 4.22 6.75 侧滑角 0~1200 2.81 3.94 1200~2400 1.08 2.97 2400~3600 1.11 3.79 3600~4800 1.53 3.70 -
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