- 空间飞越 /
- 发射窗口 /
- 代理模型 /
- 试验设计 /
- 径向基函数(RBF)
Abstract:In order to analyze the influence of initial positions on the launch window in space fly-by problem efficiently, the process of space fly-by was studied firstly in this paper. Then, a numerical method to calculate the launch window under different initial conditions was proposed. For improving calculation efficiency, surrogate model technology was studied, including sample points selection methods, surrogate models construction methods, and accuracy assessment methods. On the basis, two models, radial basis function (RBF) model and Kriging model, were compared. The results show that RBF model is more accurate for the problem in this paper. So it was applied to calculate launch windows under different conditions, which costs only 0.29% of the time that the true model costs, and the accuracy meets requirement. The results prove that using surrogate models can efficiently analyze the influence of initial conditions on the launch window, which will provide valuable theoretical foundation and reference for the orbital planning and design of space fly-by missions.
Key words:
- space fly-by /
- launch window /
- surrogate model /
- design of tests /
- radial basis function (RBF)
表 1 t0时刻轨道根数
Table 1. Orbit elements at moment t0
航天器 a/km e i/(°) Ω/(°) ω/(°) 飞越航天器 6 978 0.06 97.1 180 0 目标航天器 7 878 0.15 102.0 180 90 表 2 两种代理模型精度对比
Table 2. Accuracy comparison of two surrogate models
模型 R2 RMSE RBF模型 0.993 0.018 Kriging模型 0.952 0.049 表 3 代理模型和真实模型计算时间对比
Table 3. Comparison of calculation time between surrogate model and true model
s 模型
时间真实模型 57 688 57 688 RBF模型 3 473 168 3 641 -
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