- 小视场(NFOV)星敏感器 /
- 姿态估计 /
- 扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF) /
- 鲁棒滤波 /
- 量测延时
Abstract:Aimed at measurement delay in the narrow field of view (NFOV) star sensor used for attitude estimation, a robust extended Kalman filter (REKF) algorithm is proposed to solve the measurement delay. According to the minimum mean square error criterion, the minimum upper bound of the variance is solved and the filter gain is determined by the minimum upper bound. The designed REKF algorithm can effectively solve the problem of measurement delay and improve the accuracy of attitude estimation. Finally, the simulation results show that the algorithm is superior to the conventional additive robust extended Kalman filter (AEKF), robust finite-horizon filter (RFHF) and robust Kalman filter (RKF) algorithm, which can better solve the problem of measurement delay in nonlinear systems, and the effectiveness of the algorithm is verified.
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