Abstract:The existing backoff algorithms of the medium access control (MAC) protocols cannot provide the multiple priority differentiation, and the performance declines sharply under heavy loads in flying Ad hoc networks (FANETs), so a novel adaptive backoff algorithm based on multiple priority differentiation is proposed in this paper. The algorithm adopts a busy/idle factor adaptive mechanism and an optimal contention window (CW) adaptive mechanism, so the length of CW for each priority can be adjusted in real time with the busy degree of channels and network state parameters. Meanwhile, the CW can quickly converge to the best state in every backoff stage, and the multiple priority differentiation can be obtained. Furthermore, the best system throughput performance can be achieved by modeling. The three-dimensional Markov chain model of the backoff process for different priorities is established and the adaptive factor under the saturated throughput is solved by theory. In addition, the mathematical expressions of system throughput and mean MAC delay are also deduced. Simulation results show that the algorithm can achieve the multiple priority differentiation and availably enhance the system throughput, and its performance is superior to the priority adaptive backoff (PAB) algorithm and adaptive CW backoff algorithm for QoS (Q-ABACW).
表 1 仿真参数设置
Table 1. Simulation parameter setting
参数 数值 节点数量 50 信道数量 10 信道传输速率/(Mbit·s-1) 3 分组长度/bit 1000 编码效率 1/3 单位时隙/μs 100 各优先级最大退避次数 10 分组拆分突发数 28 分组成功接收所需最低突发数 14 表 2 各业务类型相关参数
Table 2. Related parameters of each priority type
优先级 信息种类 lr Athr/(packet·s-1) 1 武器协同信息 2 态势感知信息 20 18750 3 网络管理信息 30 5745 4 天气、环境信息 40 1875 -
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