Abstract:Intelligent satellite technology requires more and more data mining operations for satellite time series data. Usually, satellite data amount is very big that needs a lot of computation, so it will take a very long time to complete the computation in serial program. The satellite anomaly process multi-features analysis procedure is such a typical representation, which performs many common data mining operations, including windows segmentation, computation of vector similarity, feature extraction, Fourier transformation, and cluster-ing. The paper discusses several speed-up and parallel optimization strategies for a time series data mining procedure on a typical heterogeneous computing node with multi-cores CPUs and GPUs, including vector optimization, multi-process parallelization, and GPU computation. We test and compare these optimization strategies in different usage conditions. The experiment results show that the combined use of them can achieve obvious efficiency improvement for different task.
Key words:
- aerospace big data /
- data mining /
- intelligent satellite /
- parallelization /
表 1 自适应获取周期算法串行代码优化前后耗时对比
Table 1. Comparison of adaptive cycle achieving algorithm's time consumption before and after serial optimization
数据大小 优化前耗时/s 优化后耗时/s 加速比 221 280 25.150 8 1.625 6 15.5 490 440 127.252 5 2.181 4 58.3 1 028 760 562.171 5 2.592 3 216.9 2 105 400 2 306.469 6 3.755 2 614.2 6 094 920 19 213.119 3 6.079 7 3 160.2 12 238 320 78 204.042 6 16.800 1 4 655.0 表 2 不同方法优化前后耗时结果对比
Table 2. Comparison of time consuming results before and after different optimization methods
偏移量δ 耗时/s 无优化 串行优化 并行最优 10 95.285 1 33.591 8 18.403 6 30 58.576 9 11.697 2 10.048 8 90 19.269 7 4.038 3 5.716 7 180 9.632 6 1.975 2 4.020 8 -
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