针对单平台观测条件下目标运动特性反演问题,提出了基于序列图像的目标空间位置重建及运动参数估计模型和方法。为抑制大气折射对位置重建精度的影响,提出将大气视为球面分层,并划分若干层,采用反向追踪策略,从成像系统的入射光线出发,逆向计算出光线在每一层大气中的传输路径,根据追踪路径与目标发射面的交点确定目标空间位置。为减少发射面等先验参数误差的影响,以目标加速度参数一致性作为优化准则,采用迭代估计,在先验误差范围内搜索最优发射面,修正重建误差。通过以上过程反演得到目标运动轨迹以及运动参数,在先验误差范围内,反演的位置误差在200 m以下,速度误差在60 m/s以下。
Abstract:Aimed at inversion of target motion characteristics under single platform observation conditions, the model and method for reconstructing target spatial position and estimating motion parameters based on sequence images are proposed. To suppress the effect of atmospheric refraction on the accuracy of location reconstruction, it is proposed that the atmosphere is treated as a layered sphere, and the reverse tracking strategy is adopted to calculate the transmission path of light in each layer of the atmosphere in reverse, starting from the incident light of the imaging system. In summary, the target location is determined according to the intersection of the tracking path and the target launch plane. Furthermore, in order to reduce the effect of prior parameter errors such as launch plane, iterative estimation is adopted to search the optimal firing surface within the range of prior error, with the consistency of the target acceleration parameters as the optimization criterion, and the reconstruction error is corrected. Through the above process, the target trajectory and the motion parameters are obtained by inversion. Within the prior error range, the inversion location error is less than 200 m and the inversion velocity error is less than 60 m/s.
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