A routing strategy for software defined satellite networks considering control traffic
- 软件定义卫星网络(SDSN) /
- 卫星网络 /
- 路由策略 /
- 控制报文 /
- 拥塞避免
Abstract:Software defined satellite networks (SDSN) provides an innovative perspective to manage satellite networks through decoupling the data and control planes to achieve logically centralized network states and controls. In SDSN, control messages and data packets are simultaneously transmitted in the network. Massive, dynamic and high-priority control traffic will cause significant interference to data packet transmission. Therefore, a data flow retreat routing (DFRR) strategy is proposed. When calculating data packet routes, DFRR takes control traffic on a link as a factor affecting the link cost to reduce choosing links with large control traffic; before control traffic distribution changing greatly caused by the handoff of overhead satellite connecting with the network operation and control center (NOCC), DFRR predicts probable congested links and selects some data flows on these links for rerouting to avoid congestions. The performance of DFRR is evaluated on OpenSatNet, a research platform we developed for SDSN. The experiment results show that DFRR can reduce link congestions in the network and the packet losses of control messages and data packets effectively.
表 1 实验参数设置
Table 1. Experiment parameter setting
参数 数值 卫星系统参数 卫星轨道面数目 6 每个轨道内卫星数目 11 卫星轨道高度/km 780 极区边界纬度值/(°) 60 星间链路带宽/(Mbit·s-1) 1 星地链路带宽/(Mbit·s-1) 10 地面站与NOCC位置 北京 流量相关参数
速率/(Kbit·s-1)20 数据流数目 100
相关参数链路代价参数α1,α2,β,γ 2 000,1,1,0.01 安全系数 1 速率-满意度函数 Sl=100 th bl(bl>0) 仿真时间/s 6 034.7 -
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