Remote sensing image fusion based on edge-preserving filtering and structure tensor
Abstract:The hyperspectral (HS) remote sensing image which contains abundant spectral information generally has low spatial resolution. While the panchromatic (PAN) remote sensing image has high spatial resolution. In order to fuse the HS and PAN remote sensing images, a new fusion algorithm based on edge-preserving filtering and structure tensor is proposed. First, to avoid low-frequency aliasing, an edge-preserving filter is introduced to extract the spatial information of the HS image. In order to sharpen the spatial information of the PAN image, an image enhancement approach is applied to the PAN image. Then, an adaptive weighting strategy which is based on the structure tensor is proposed to obtain the total spatial information. The presented adaptive weighting strategy which is different from the traditional fusion method reduces the spectral distortion and provides adequate spatial information. The injection matrix is finally constructed to reduce spectral and spatial distortion, and the fused image is generated by injecting the complete spatial information. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method provides more spatial information and preserves more spectral information compared with the state-of-art fusion methods.
表 1 边缘保持滤波方法对各数据集的客观评价指标
Table 1. Objective evaluation indices of edge-preserving filtering method for each dataset
数据集 算法 CC SAM RMSE ERGAS Pavia University GSI 0.930 4 6.774 0 0.044 9 4.439 9 本文 0.930 4 6.568 6 0.038 5 4.148 6 Moffett field GSI 0.954 3 6.355 0 0.030 2 4.052 2 本文 0.965 0 6.347 0 0.030 1 4.030 9 Washington DC GSI 0.866 2 7.233 0 0.013 1 74.957 2 本文 0.879 4 7.232 0 0.013 3 73.674 9 表 2 基于结构张量的自适应加权策略对各数据集的客观评价指标
Table 2. Objective evaluation indices of structure tensor based adaptive weighting strategy for each dataset
数据集 算法 CC SAM RMSE ERGAS Pavia University GFP 0.932 6 6.593 2 0.042 5 4.235 8 GFGW 0.906 6 6.766 4 0.041 2 4.783 2 GFPL 0.925 6 6.586 4 0.039 4 4.257 1 本文 0.930 4 6.568 6 0.038 5 4.148 6 Moffett field GFP 0.957 5 6.347 0 0.031 4 4.351 8 GFGW 0.956 6 6.358 0 0.031 0 4.337 2 GFPL 0.962 3 6.348 0 0.030 5 4.031 5 本文 0.965 0 6.347 0 0.030 1 4.030 9 Washington DC GFP 0.873 8 7.232 1 0.013 6 73.695 0 GFGW 0.865 9 7.232 5 0.014 0 76.223 0 GFPL 0.874 5 7.232 4 0.013 4 74.326 6 本文 0.879 4 7.232 0 0.013 3 73.674 9 表 3 Pavia University数据集的融合结果客观评价指标
Table 3. Objective evaluation indices of fusion results for Pavia University dataset
算法 CC SAM RMSE ERGAS PCA 0.923 4 7.656 6 0.040 8 4.783 0 GFPCA 0.795 2 9.449 5 0.061 6 7.135 8 GSA 0.921 9 8.799 2 0.038 9 4.532 1 BSR 0.900 3 8.676 6 0.044 1 5.301 6 MGH 0.930 2 6.909 0 0.038 9 4.235 5 本文 0.930 4 6.568 6 0.038 5 4.148 6 表 4 Moffett field数据集的融合结果客观评价指标
Table 4. Objective evaluation indices of fusion results for Moffett field dataset
算法 CC SAM RMSE ERGAS PCA 0.905 0 12.425 5 0.047 5 6.698 0 GFPCA 0.915 7 10.319 8 0.044 1 6.287 6 GSA 0.949 7 8.660 5 0.036 1 5.044 4 BSR 0.954 0 8.037 2 0.032 3 4.713 1 MGH 0.964 4 6.007 8 0.032 5 4.356 8 本文 0.965 0 6.347 0 0.030 1 4.030 9 表 5 Washington DC数据集的融合结果客观评价指标
Table 5. Objective evaluation indices of fusion results for Washington DC dataset
算法 CC SAM RMSE ERGAS PCA 0.853 2 7.361 9 0.013 6 83.414 5 GFPCA 0.768 9 9.932 2 0.013 9 67.944 1 GSA 0.870 1 7.258 0 0.018 4 83.997 9 BSR 0.826 9 10.012 5 0.013 8 77.749 1 MGH 0.877 7 7.261 8 0.015 6 79.859 8 本文 0.879 4 7.232 0 0.013 3 73.674 9 -
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