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曲家慧 李云松 董文倩 郑毓轩

曲家慧, 李云松, 董文倩, 等 . 基于边缘保持滤波和结构张量的遥感图像融合[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 44(12): 2479-2488. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0345
引用本文: 曲家慧, 李云松, 董文倩, 等 . 基于边缘保持滤波和结构张量的遥感图像融合[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 44(12): 2479-2488. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0345
QU Jiahui, LI Yunsong, DONG Wenqian, et al. Remote sensing image fusion based on edge-preserving filtering and structure tensor[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 44(12): 2479-2488. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0345(in Chinese)
Citation: QU Jiahui, LI Yunsong, DONG Wenqian, et al. Remote sensing image fusion based on edge-preserving filtering and structure tensor[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 44(12): 2479-2488. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0345(in Chinese)


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0345

国家自然科学基金 61502367

国家自然科学基金 61501346

国家自然科学基金 61701360

国家自然科学基金 61571345

国家自然科学基金 91538101

高等学校学科创新引智计划("111计划") B08038

长江学者特聘教授支持计划 CJT160102




    曲家慧  女, 博士研究生。主要研究方向:高光谱遥感图像处理、机器学习、神经网络

    李云松  男, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师。主要研究方向:图像视频压缩编码、图像处理、高性能计算、芯片设计


    李云松, E-mail: ysli@mail.xidian.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TP751

Remote sensing image fusion based on edge-preserving filtering and structure tensor


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61502367

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61501346

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61701360

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61571345

National Natural Science Foundation of China 91538101

111 Project B08038

Yangtze River Scholar Bonus Schemes of China CJT160102

the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universitiesl 

Innovation Fund of Xidian University 

More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  高光谱图像融合算法框图

    Figure 1.  Block diagram of proposed hyperspectral image fusion algorithm

    图 2  不同融合算法得到的Pavia University数据集的融合结果

    Figure 2.  Fusion results of different fusion algorithms for Pavia University dataset

    图 3  不同融合算法得到的Moffett field数据集的融合结果

    Figure 3.  Fusion results of different fusion algorithms for Moffett field dataset

    图 4  不同融合算法得到的Washington DC数据集的融合结果

    Figure 4.  Fusion results of different fusion algorithms for Washington DC dataset

    表  1  边缘保持滤波方法对各数据集的客观评价指标

    Table  1.   Objective evaluation indices of edge-preserving filtering method for each dataset

    数据集 算法 CC SAM RMSE ERGAS
    Pavia University GSI 0.930 4 6.774 0 0.044 9 4.439 9
    本文 0.930 4 6.568 6 0.038 5 4.148 6
    Moffett field GSI 0.954 3 6.355 0 0.030 2 4.052 2
    本文 0.965 0 6.347 0 0.030 1 4.030 9
    Washington DC GSI 0.866 2 7.233 0 0.013 1 74.957 2
    本文 0.879 4 7.232 0 0.013 3 73.674 9
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    表  2  基于结构张量的自适应加权策略对各数据集的客观评价指标

    Table  2.   Objective evaluation indices of structure tensor based adaptive weighting strategy for each dataset

    数据集 算法 CC SAM RMSE ERGAS
    Pavia University GFP 0.932 6 6.593 2 0.042 5 4.235 8
    GFGW 0.906 6 6.766 4 0.041 2 4.783 2
    GFPL 0.925 6 6.586 4 0.039 4 4.257 1
    本文 0.930 4 6.568 6 0.038 5 4.148 6
    Moffett field GFP 0.957 5 6.347 0 0.031 4 4.351 8
    GFGW 0.956 6 6.358 0 0.031 0 4.337 2
    GFPL 0.962 3 6.348 0 0.030 5 4.031 5
    本文 0.965 0 6.347 0 0.030 1 4.030 9
    Washington DC GFP 0.873 8 7.232 1 0.013 6 73.695 0
    GFGW 0.865 9 7.232 5 0.014 0 76.223 0
    GFPL 0.874 5 7.232 4 0.013 4 74.326 6
    本文 0.879 4 7.232 0 0.013 3 73.674 9
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    表  3  Pavia University数据集的融合结果客观评价指标

    Table  3.   Objective evaluation indices of fusion results for Pavia University dataset

    PCA 0.923 4 7.656 6 0.040 8 4.783 0
    GFPCA 0.795 2 9.449 5 0.061 6 7.135 8
    GSA 0.921 9 8.799 2 0.038 9 4.532 1
    BSR 0.900 3 8.676 6 0.044 1 5.301 6
    MGH 0.930 2 6.909 0 0.038 9 4.235 5
    本文 0.930 4 6.568 6 0.038 5 4.148 6
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    表  4  Moffett field数据集的融合结果客观评价指标

    Table  4.   Objective evaluation indices of fusion results for Moffett field dataset

    PCA 0.905 0 12.425 5 0.047 5 6.698 0
    GFPCA 0.915 7 10.319 8 0.044 1 6.287 6
    GSA 0.949 7 8.660 5 0.036 1 5.044 4
    BSR 0.954 0 8.037 2 0.032 3 4.713 1
    MGH 0.964 4 6.007 8 0.032 5 4.356 8
    本文 0.965 0 6.347 0 0.030 1 4.030 9
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    表  5  Washington DC数据集的融合结果客观评价指标

    Table  5.   Objective evaluation indices of fusion results for Washington DC dataset

    PCA 0.853 2 7.361 9 0.013 6 83.414 5
    GFPCA 0.768 9 9.932 2 0.013 9 67.944 1
    GSA 0.870 1 7.258 0 0.018 4 83.997 9
    BSR 0.826 9 10.012 5 0.013 8 77.749 1
    MGH 0.877 7 7.261 8 0.015 6 79.859 8
    本文 0.879 4 7.232 0 0.013 3 73.674 9
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  • 收稿日期:  2018-06-11
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