Image segmentation and density clustering for moving object patches extraction in remote sensing image
Abstract:Recently, moving object detection in large-scale remote sensing images achieves outstanding performance by fully convolutional neural network. However, handling such data is very time-consuming because the search space is extremely large. This paper proposes a specific improved method from the point of candidate region proposals. First, irregular candidate areas are roughly extracted by neighborhood differencing and local errors handling. Then a spatial-constraint based density cluster algorithm (SC-DBSCAN) is proposed to merge adjacent areas into patches as CNN input, which aims to reduce final outputs' amount and area. Through the priori of space constraints, this algorithm can adaptively divide data into multi types of clusters, and choose different merging strategies according to the complexity of clusters. For complicated clusters, the outputs are related to traverse sequence of each object, and thus a random search strategy based on simulated annealing is applied to avoid local optima and improve the patches' quality. Finally, by reducing the times of model inferences and avoiding redundant object detections, the detection efficiency of proposed method is significantly improved.
表 1 候选运动目标质量比较
Table 1. Qualitative comparison in candidate moving objects
% 算法 精度 召回率 GMM 92.72 83.53 S-3frame 89.06 75.76 N-3frame 91.37 87.73 本文算法 90.68 93.30 表 2 最终图像块质量比较
Table 2. Qualitative comparison of final image patches
算法 精度/% 召回率/% 数量比 面积比 重复比 基线 90.98 93.96 1.2241 1.2241 1.4804 HC 98.60 94.25 0.3876 1.1049 0.0843 DBSCAN 98.59 94.15 0.4018 1.1053 0.0999 本文算法 98.79 94.34 0.3818 1.0586 0.0756 表 3 参数γ对结果的影响
Table 3. Impact of parameter γ on result
权重γ 数量比 面积比 -0.05 1.1963 1.2008 -0.02 0.7792 0.9626 0 0.6108 0.9299 0.03 0.4947 0.952 0.06 0.4352 0.9921 0.1 0.3818 1.0586 0.3 0.2973 1.341 0.55 0.2953 1.356 -
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