Space non-cooperative target 3D reconstruction and interaction based on smartphone APP
Abstract:In this paper, a software system is designed and implemented, which uses space-based observation sequence to reconstruct the 3D non-cooperative target based on the thought of software defined satellites. Considering the interaction between the satellite and the ground users, the system consists of two parts:software on the satellite cloud node and an APP on the ground users. In this system, normal users can watch the 3D structure of the space targets in real time and improve their knowledge of the space. For researchers, the 3D reconstruction of non-cooperative targets is the basis for further research such as capturing and providing on-orbit services. In order to meet the further requirements of non-cooperative target orbit and pose determination, the system provides the position information of matching feature points generated in 3D reconstruction and the vector information between non-cooperative target and camera ontology. In order to solve the problem of sparse point clouds and poor visualization in 3D reconstruction using structure from motion(SFM), Poisson surface distribution reconstruction is carried out on the basis of sparse point cloud reconstruction using SFM to obtain dense and uniform grid surface. Owing to the lack of the non-cooperative space target imaging data, the ground imaging simulation is carried out to verify the algorithm. The results show that this method can be used to reconstruct the 3D non-cooperative target and the reconstruction is accurate. Meanwhile, the recovery 3D point cloud can be used to determine the orbit and attitude of the non-cooperative space target.
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