Software defined satellite attitude control algorithm based on deep reinforcement learning
Abstract:Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) technique is a new kind of machine learning based control algorithm, which shows its outstanding performance in the area of robotics and unmanned aerial vehicle. Meanwhile, in the area of satellite attitude control, traditional PID control algorithm is still widely used. As satellites become smaller and more intelligent and software defined satellite emerges, traditional control methods are even harder to meet the needs of adaptability, autonomy and robustness. To deal with these problems, a deep reinforcement learning based attitude control algorithm is proposed. It is a kind of model-based algorithm, which has much faster convergence speed than model-free algorithm. Compared with traditional method, this algorithm does not need prior knowledge of satellite's physical or orbit parameters and has better adaptability and autonomy, which make it possible for software defined satellite to adapt to different hardware environments and to be developed and deployed much faster. Furthermore, through introducing target network and parallelized heuristic search algorithm, the proposed algorithm has higher network accuracy and faster computation speed. The simulation experiment verifies these improvements.
表 1 3种经典轨道状态下的干扰力矩
Table 1. Disturbance torque under three classic orbit states
N·m 干扰力矩 低轨(200 km) 中轨(1 000 km) 地球同步轨道(35 800 km) 地球重力梯度 10-3 10-3 10-7 空气阻力 0.4×10-5 10-9 0 太阳光压 0.2×10-8 10-9 0.4×10-9 太阳重力梯度 0.3×10-7 0.5×10-7 0.2×10-6 月球重力梯度 0.6×10-7 0.1×10-6 0.5×10-6 太阳潮汐 0.4×10-7 0.4×10-7 10-11 月球潮汐 0.5×10-7 0.3×10-7 0.8×10-11 表 2 不同算法收敛精度及速度对比
Table 2. Comparison of convergence accuracy and speed among different algorithms
网络设置 均方误差 收敛耗时/s 最小值 最大值 均值 3层全连接 0.931 1.515 1.047 301.05 5层全连接 0.745 1.510 0.913 440.15 目标网络 0.014 1.908 0.448 28.10 -
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