Novel second-order sliding mode control based 3D guidance law with impact angle constraints
Abstract:To deal with the problem of missile for attacking ground maneuvering target in 3D space, a 3D finite-time guidance law with impact angle constraints is proposed. In order to improve convergence speed and suppress chattering problem, the nonsingular fast terminal second-order sliding mode control based 3D guidance law with coupling terms is designed based on the nonsingular fast terminal sliding surface and the second-order sliding mode control theory. System model linearization is not needed and singular problem is avoided in the design process. A nonhomogeneous disturbance observer is designed to estimate and compensate the total disturbance, which is caused by target maneuvering information and coupling terms of line of sight. And the stability and finite-time convergent characteristics of the proposed guidance law are proved mathematically. The effectiveness and superiority of the proposed guidance law are verified by numerical simulation.
表 1 导弹初始参数和期望落角
Table 1. Initial parameters and expected impact angles of missiles
导弹 初始坐标/km θm0/(°) φm0/(°) qεd/(°) qβd/(°) M1 (0, 10, 0) -25 -20 -30 -30 M2 (2, 12, 1) -10 -30 -60 -20 M3 (-2, 9, 3) 10 10 -70 -60 表 2 3枚导弹攻击目标主要仿真参数
Table 2. Main simulation parameters of 3 missiles attacking targets
导弹 脱靶量/m 视线倾角误差/(°) 视线偏角误差/(°) 飞行时间/s M1 0.206 9 0.011 6 0.025 7 29.768 0 M2 0.077 6 0.010 0 0.025 0 29.979 0 M3 0.296 2 0.029 3 0.015 9 30.362 0 表 3 3种制导律仿真主要参数对比
Table 3. Main simulation parameters comparison of 3 guidance laws
制导律 脱靶量/m 视线倾角误差/(°) 视线偏角误差/(°) 飞行时间/s SO-NFTSMG 0.206 9 0.011 6 0.025 7 29.768 0 NTSMG1 0.268 1 0.023 6 0.026 1 29.706 0 NTSMG2 0.242 3 0.011 4 0.027 3 29.923 0 -
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