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刘方彬 袁军娅

刘方彬, 袁军娅. 火星再入飞行器风洞试验与真实飞行之间相关性的探讨[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2019, 45(4): 787-795. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0434
引用本文: 刘方彬, 袁军娅. 火星再入飞行器风洞试验与真实飞行之间相关性的探讨[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2019, 45(4): 787-795. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0434
LIU Fangbin, YUAN Junya. Discussion on correlation between wind tunnel test and flight of Mars reentry vehicle[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019, 45(4): 787-795. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0434(in Chinese)
Citation: LIU Fangbin, YUAN Junya. Discussion on correlation between wind tunnel test and flight of Mars reentry vehicle[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019, 45(4): 787-795. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0434(in Chinese)


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2018.0434

    刘方彬  男, 硕士。主要研究方向:高超速飞行器化学反应

    袁军娅  女,硕士生导师,高级工程师。主要研究方向:高超声速飞行器气动热环境与热防护


    袁军娅, E-mail: yuanjy@buaa.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: V476.4

Discussion on correlation between wind tunnel test and flight of Mars reentry vehicle

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  • 图 1  “Pathfinder”计算模型[11]

    Figure 1.  Calculation model of "Pathfinder"[11]

    图 2  “MP-1”计算模型[12]

    Figure 2.  Calculation model of "MP-1"[12]

    图 3  “MP-1”的网格

    Figure 3.  Mesh of "MP-1"

    图 4  “Pathfinder”的网格

    Figure 4.  Mesh of "Pathfinder"

    图 5  气动热对比(风洞条件)

    Figure 5.  Comparison of aerodynamics (wind tunnel condition)

    图 6  风洞条件和飞行条件压力系数

    Figure 6.  Pressure coefficient of wind tunnel and flight conditions

    图 7  风洞条件和飞行条件无量纲压力

    Figure 7.  Dimensionless pressure of wind tunnel and flight conditions

    图 8  风洞条件和飞行条件的马赫数对比

    Figure 8.  Mach number comparison of wind tunnel and flight conditions

    图 9  风洞条件和飞行条件的温度对比

    Figure 9.  Temperature comparison of wind tunnel and flight

    图 10  风洞条件和飞行条件的压力对比

    Figure 10.  Pressure comparison of wind tunnel and flight

    图 11  壁面热流分布

    Figure 11.  Distribution of wall surface heat flow

    图 12  壁面Stanton数的分布

    Figure 12.  Distribution of wall Stanton number

    表  1  计算条件[12]

    Table  1.   Calculation conditions [12]

    变量 CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 3
    飞行条件 风洞条件 飞行条件 风洞条件 飞行条件 风洞条件
    u/(m·s-1) 7 009 1 416 7 263 1 422 7 185 5 162 4 772
    ρ/(kg·m-3) 1.66×10-4 8.680×10-3 8.64×10-5 4.51×10-3 1.095×10-4 5.712×10-3 5.789×10-3
    T/K 160.3 52.45 156.5 53.31 158.8 1 113 1 088
    p/Pa 5.10 130.6 2.60 69 3.338 1 824 1 191
    Ma 34 9.80 35.5 9.68 36.20 7.93 9.71
    0.12×106 3.187×106 0.095×106 1.621×106 0.126×106 0.66×106 0.66×106
    ρL/(kg·m-2) 4.41×10-4 4.41×10-4 2.29×10-4 2.29×10-4 2.94×10-4 2.90×10-4 2.94×10-4
    组分(体积分数) 97%CO2+3%N2 21%O2+79%N2 97%CO2+3%N2 21%O2+79%N2 97%CO2+3%N2 21%O2+79%N2 100%CO2
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    表  2  5组分化学反应模型[13]

    Table  2.   Mechanism with five species chemical reactions [13]

    编号 化学反应
    1 N2+MN+N+M  M=N2,O2,NO,N,O
    2 O2+MO+O+M  M=N2,O2,NO,N,O
    3 NO+MN+O+M  M=N2,O2,NO,N,O
    4 NO+ON+O2
    5 N2+ONO+N
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    表  3  8组分9化学反应模型[14]

    Table  3.   Mechanism with eight species and nine chemical reactions [14]

    编号 化学反应
    1 CO2+MCO+O+M  M1=N2,O2,NO,CO2,CO;
    2 CO+MC+O+M  M1=N2,O2,NO,CO2,CO;
    3 N2+MN+N+M  M1=N2,O2,NO,CO2,CO;
    4 O2+MO+O+M  M1=N2,O2,NO,CO2,CO;
    5 NO+MN+O+M  M1=N,O,C,NO,CO2
    6 NO+ON+O2
    7 N2+ONO+N
    8 CO+OC+O2
    9 CO2+OCO+O
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    表  4  对比条件和计算结果(飞行条件)

    Table  4.   Comparison conditions and computation results(flight condition)

    速度/(m· s-1) 驻点热流
    文献[8]结果/ (106W·m-2) 计算结果/ (106W·m-2) 误差/ %
    85.000 7 504 0.099 0.105 6.00
    64.599 7 472 0.392 0.383 1.26
    56.026 7 364 0.565 0.550 2.72
    43.097 6 774 1.140 1.132 0.87
    41.204 6 596 1.180 1.163 0.84
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  • 收稿日期:  2018-07-18
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