Discussion on correlation between wind tunnel test and flight of Mars reentry vehicle
Abstract:Due to the limitations of wind tunnel test conditions, the real flight environment of Mars reentry aircraft is difficult to fully be simulated, so it is necessary to establish the relationship of Mars reentry vehicle between windtunnel conditions and real flight. In this investigation, based on the published data of the literatures, the numerical method is used to study the extrapolation methods between the wind tunnel test and the real flight of Mars re-entry vehicle with the shape of the Pathfinder. The results show that under the conditions of high enthalpy air wind tunnel and conventional air wind tunnel test, the dimensionless pressure and pressure coefficient of near the stagnation point of the windtunel model can be used as a correlation parameters between the wind tunnel that and the flying conditions. However, the heat flow, the dimensionless heat flow and Stanton number of wind tunnel test cannot be directly used as correlation parameters under the conditions of high enthalpy air wind tunnel test and conventional air wind tunnel test. Under the high enthalpy CO2 wind tunnel test conditions, the pressure coefficient, dimensionless pressure and Stanton number near the windtunnel model's stagnation point can be used as extrapolation parameters, but not the heat flow and dimensionless heat flow of the wind tunnel test are directly used as correlation parameters to obtain the performance parameters of the aircraft under flight conditions.
Key words:
- Mars /
- hypersonic /
- wind tunnel /
- reentry /
- correlation /
- aerodynamic force /
- aerothermodynamics
变量 CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 3 飞行条件 风洞条件 飞行条件 风洞条件 飞行条件 风洞条件 u∞/(m·s-1) 7 009 1 416 7 263 1 422 7 185 5 162 4 772 ρ∞/(kg·m-3) 1.66×10-4 8.680×10-3 8.64×10-5 4.51×10-3 1.095×10-4 5.712×10-3 5.789×10-3 T∞/K 160.3 52.45 156.5 53.31 158.8 1 113 1 088 p∞/Pa 5.10 130.6 2.60 69 3.338 1 824 1 191 Ma∞ 34 9.80 35.5 9.68 36.20 7.93 9.71 0.12×106 3.187×106 0.095×106 1.621×106 0.126×106 0.66×106 0.66×106 ρ∞L/(kg·m-2) 4.41×10-4 4.41×10-4 2.29×10-4 2.29×10-4 2.94×10-4 2.90×10-4 2.94×10-4 组分(体积分数) 97%CO2+3%N2 21%O2+79%N2 97%CO2+3%N2 21%O2+79%N2 97%CO2+3%N2 21%O2+79%N2 100%CO2 编号 化学反应 1 N2+M N+N+M M=N2,O2,NO,N,O2 O2+M O+O+M M=N2,O2,NO,N,O3 NO+M N+O+M M=N2,O2,NO,N,O4 NO+O N+O25 N2+O NO+N编号 化学反应 1 CO2+M CO+O+M M1=N2,O2,NO,CO2,CO;
M2=N,O,C2 CO+M C+O+M M1=N2,O2,NO,CO2,CO;
M2=N,O,C3 N2+M N+N+M M1=N2,O2,NO,CO2,CO;
M2=N,O,C4 O2+M O+O+M M1=N2,O2,NO,CO2,CO;
M2=N,O,C5 NO+M N+O+M M1=N,O,C,NO,CO2;
M2=N2,O2,CO6 NO+O N+O27 N2+O NO+N8 CO+O C+O29 CO2+O CO+O表 4 对比条件和计算结果(飞行条件)
Table 4. Comparison conditions and computation results(flight condition)
km速度/(m· s-1) 驻点热流 文献[8]结果/ (106W·m-2) 计算结果/ (106W·m-2) 误差/ % 85.000 7 504 0.099 0.105 6.00 64.599 7 472 0.392 0.383 1.26 56.026 7 364 0.565 0.550 2.72 43.097 6 774 1.140 1.132 0.87 41.204 6 596 1.180 1.163 0.84 -
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