Abstract:By studying and analyzing the vulnerability detection method of network program, a vulnerability detection method based on program modeling was proposed, and this method is aimed at the binary network program vulnerability in the C/S structure. The method analyzes the network program architecture, extracts the key system functions in different types of network programs, and develops the program modeling and detection system execution module. The technique of selective symbolic execution is adopted for detection, the semantics of hook function and the operation of trigger are customized by means of function hooks, and the execution process of symbolic data and guiding symbol is introduced. Based on this technology, a network program vulnerability detection system is realized. This system can identify the target web application using the I/O model. According to the different types of target program, it can call the different detection modules and use selective symbolic execution technology to implement the automated vulnerability detection process. The experimental results show that, compared with the existing detection tools, the system is more targeted in the vulnerability detection of network programs with higher vulnerability detection rate and good scalability.
Key words:
- network program /
- vulnerability detection /
- C/S structure /
- architecture model /
- symbolic execution
表 1 实验环境配置
Table 1. Experimental environment configuration
节点 操作系统 主机型号 内存 Server WindowsXP-SP3 Intel® Core i7-5820 K 3.3 GHz CPU 4 GB Client WindowsXP-SP3 Intel® Core i7-5820K 3.3 GHz CPU 4 GB 表 2 实验结果
Table 2. Experimental result
软件 漏洞编号 漏洞类型 Tftpd32 CVE-2006-6141 远程缓冲区溢出漏洞 Tftpd32 CVE-2013-6809 格式化字符串漏洞 -
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