- 现场可编程门阵列(FPGA) /
- 尺度不变特征变换(SIFT) /
- 硬件设计 /
- 梯度信息 /
- 特征描述符提取
Abstract:Scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm is widely used in the field of computer vision because of its excellent robustness. In order to solve the problem of low real-time performance of computation-intensive SIFT algorithm on CPU, a fast SIFT hardware architecture is proposed based on field programmable gate array (FPGA), with reduced complexity by optimizing the feature descriptor extraction part of the algorithm. By reducing the bit width of gradient information (including gradient amplitude and gradient direction), optimizing the generation of the Gauss weight coefficients, simplifying the calculation of the three linear interpolation coefficients and simplifying the computation process of the histogram index of the gradient amplitude, the proposed design avoids complex computations such as exponent, trigonometric function and multiplication, and reduces the complexity of hardware architecture and hardware resource consumption. The experimental results show that the proposed low-complexity fast SIFT hardware architecture can speed up by about 200 times compared to the software implementation. Compared with the related research, the speed is improved by 3 times and the stability of the feature descriptor is increased by more than 18%.
表 1 相对梯度方向分类方式
Table 1. Classification method of relative gradient direction
前后类别说明 类别 分类前类别 0~7 8~11 12~15 16~19 20~23 24~27 28~31 32~35 分类后类别 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 表 2 旋转变化特征描述符稳定性检测
Table 2. Stability detection of feature descriptors for rotation change
旋转程度/(°) 匹配率 5 0.80 10 0.85 15 0.75 20 0.5 25 0.45 30 0.35 注:旋转变化平均匹配率为0.62。 表 3 特征描述符稳定性对比
Table 3. Stability comparison of feature descriptors
表 4 硬件资源消耗对比
Table 4. Comparison of hardware resource consumption
表 5 梯度方向优化前后硬件资源消耗对比
Table 5. Comparison of hardware resource consumption before and after gradient direction optimization
模块 LUT/个 Register/个 梯度阵列(m=14,g=16) 0 7 680×2 梯度阵列(m=14,g=6) 0 5 120×2 梯度方向分类模块 102 6 -
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