Non-cooperative UAV target recognition in low-altitude airspace based on motion model
Abstract:To guarantee the safety of low-altitude airspace, a target recognition method based on motion model was proposed for the non-cooperative UAV target in low-altitude airspace, as an extension of the application of the existing target tracking algorithm, which could detect the UAV and reject the false alarms such as flying birds with radar data. Firstly, multiple motion models were established to simulate the movement of UAV and flying bird targets. Secondly, the targets were tracked with multiple motion models and the appearance probabilities of these models were estimated. Thirdly, the transformation frequency between target motion models was measured by the mean variance of the appearance probabilities of multiple models in continuous time domain. By processing the simulation data and the measured data of the airport low-altitude surveillance radar, the method can track the UAV target in cluttered environment and eliminate the flying bird target, further verifying its effectiveness and practicability.
Key words:
- motion model /
- UAV /
- target /
- recognition /
- radar
表 1 无人机与飞鸟目标的F均值
Table 1. Mean value of F of UAV and flying bird targets
无人机 飞鸟 p=0.2 p=0.3 p=0.4 p=0.5 0.005 9 0.044 7 0.051 1 0.059 4 0.062 5 表 2 无人机目标识别结果
Table 2. UAV target recognition results
S 无人机目标 其他低空目标 0.005 1 0 0.01 1 2 0.02 1 2 0.03 1 5 0.04 1 6 0.05 1 7 0.06 1 10 0.07 1 11 0.08 1 12 0.09 1 14 -
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