Abstract:In order to satisfy the special requirement for fire control of air-to-air missiles under unmanned air combat conditions, the problem of launchable area of air-to-air missile based on target maneuver estimation is presented. Based on the missile-target tracking escape countermeasure strategy, the target maneuver estimation model is designed. According to the relative position information of the missile and the target, the estimation of the target escape maneuver mode is realized. Based on a variety of practical constraints, a missile dynamics model is constructed. A launchable area boundary solving strategy based on the golden section search strategy is designed to achieve a fast and accurate search for the boundary value of the launchable area. The simulation results show that the air-to-air missile has a greater probability of hitting the target in the launchable area based on the target maneuver estimation proposed in the paper. The presented launchable area is more suitable for the dramatic change of the target escape maneuver in the close air combat, which is beneficial to the full play of the missile tactical performance.
表 1 不同运动状态下的导弹可发射距离解算结果
Table 1. Missile launchable interval calculation results under different motion conditions
状态序号 相对状态信息 可发射距离/m aasp_y/(°) aasp_z/(°) aoff_y/(°) aoff_z/(°) γm/(°) 目标保持定常状态 目标执行预估机动 1 0 0 0 0 0 (363.56, 3 054.98) (266.35, 1 499.18) 2 20 15 90 5 10 (890.56, 4 243.23) (1 156.25, 4 141.01) 3 0 0 180 0 0 (1 332.15, 14 712.11) (1 701.59, 5 597.35) 4 0 0 90 0 0 (655.19, 5 564.34) (868.69, 4 573.34) 5 15 5 0 15 -15 (370.84, 3 065.56) (268.04, 2 168.81) 6 25 -5 45 15 8 (320.03, 3 184.17) (261.37, 854.27) 7 12.5 8 56 28 0 (369.03, 3 513.09) (398.98, 2 555.84) 8 -12.5 -20 -56 0 0 (418.72, 3 472.94) (370.15, 956.56) 9 30 0 180 0 0 (1 739.16, 10 879.83) (2 348.19, 5 320.31) 表 2 导弹模拟打靶测试结果
Table 2. Results of simulated missile target test
发射区类型 初始状态 可发射距离解算值/m 距离测试值/m 命中次数 命中率/% 整体命中率/% 本文提出的可发射区 状态3 (1 701.59, 5 597.35) 5 486.37 7 92 89.6 1 534.25 10 2 640.83 9 4 329.25 10 2 523.81 10 状态5 (268.04, 2 168.81) 1 051.03 10 82 923.53 7 771.78 10 1 870.68 6 1 568.86 8 ⋮ 目标保持定常状态下的可发射区 状态3 (1 332.15, 14 712.11) 13 321.53 1 20 37.6 6 482.26 4 8 390.38 2 12 357.48 0 9 346.35 3 状态5 (370.84, 3 065.56) 2 247.08 4 34 2 804.65 4 2 958.01 2 3 043.79 2 2 478.651 5 ⋮ -
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