Single shot multibox detector based on asynchronous convolution factorization and shunt structure
Abstract:Single shot multibox detector (SSD) owns the relatively independent regression computations of multi-regressive feature maps, while the object detection algorithms based on SSD cannot make a tradeoff between detection accuracy and real-time speed. To solve the problems above, a single shot mutibox detector based on asynchronous convolution factorization and shunt structure (FA-SSD) is introduced based on asynchronous convolution factorization algorithm and shunt structure. The shunt structure, based on the proposed asynchronous convolution factorization algorithm, is designed to staggerly connect the layers of regression features, enhancing the unity and coordination between regression calculations. In order to optimize the mainstream of high-level structure, the asynchronous convolution factorization algorithm and max pooling are implemented to reduce the dimension of image features in the mainstream and shunt respectively, which can hold the spatial information while improving the diversity of features. According to the experimental results from VOC2007test, FA-SSD achieves a mean average precision of 80.5% after the training of VOC2007trainval and VOC2012trainval with nominal resolution of 300×300, while the detection speed exceeds 30 frames per second.
表 1 不同算法在VOC2007test上的检测结果
Table 1. Detection results of different algorithms on VOC2007test
算法 训练数据 预训练 底层网络 图片大小 建议框数 显卡 速度/(帧·s-1) m_AP/% Fast R-CNN[8] 07+12 √ VGGNet 600×1 000* 300 K40 3.125 66.9 Faster R-CNN[9] 07+12 √ VGGNet 600×1 000* 300 K40 5 73.2 R-FCN[22] 07+12 √ VGGNet 600×1 000 300 K40 5.8 75.6 YOLOv2[12] 07+12 √ Darknet-19 352×352 Titan X 81 73.7 SSD300[13] 07+12 × VGGNet 300×300 8 732 Titan X 46 74.3 SSD300[13] 07+12 √ VGGNet 300×300 8 732 Titan X 46 77.2 SSD300*[13] 07+12 × VGGNet 300×300 8 732 1080Ti 43.5 74 DSOD300[16] 07+12 × DS/64-192-48-1 300×300 8 732 Titan X 17.4 77.7 DSSD321[14] 07+12 √ ResNet 321×321 17 080 Titan X 9.5 78.6 FA-SSD300 07+12 × VGGNet 300×300 8 732 1080Ti 30 79.0 FA-SSD300 07+12 √ VGGNet 300×300 8 732 1080Ti 30 80.5 表 2 针对VOC2007test具体类别的检测对比
Table 2. Comparison of specific category detections on VOC2007test
类别 Fast R-CNN[8] Faster R-CNN[9] ION[22] R-FCN[23] MR-CNN[24] SSD300[13] DSSD321[14] FA-SSD300 Aero 77.0 76.5 79.2 79.9 80.3 79.5 81.9 86.4 Bike 78.1 79 83.1 87.2 84.1 83.9 84.9 85.9 Bird 69.3 70.9 77.6 81.5 78.5 76 80.5 79.6 Boat 59.4 65.5 65.6 72 70.8 69.6 68.4 73.3 Bottle 38.3 52.1 54.9 69.8 68.5 50.4 53.9 53.6 Bus 81.6 83.1 85.4 86.8 88 87 85.6 90.2 Car 78.6 84.7 85.1 88.5 85.9 85.7 86.2 89.2 Cat 86.7 86.4 87 89.8 87.8 88.1 88.9 91.7 Chair 42.8 52 54.4 67 60.3 60.3 61.1 60.0 Cow 78.8 81.9 80.6 88.1 85.2 81.5 83.5 84.3 Table 68.9 65.7 73.8 74.5 73.7 77 78.7 80.9 Dog 84.7 84.8 85.3 89.8 87.2 86.1 86.7 89.1 Horse 82.0 84.6 82.2 90.6 86.5 87.5 88.7 87.4 Mbike 76.6 77.5 82.2 79.9 85 83.97 86.7 86.5 Person 69.9 76.7 74.4 81.2 76.4 79.4 79.7 83.3 Plant 31.8 38.8 47.1 53.7 48.5 52.3 51.7 54.2 Sheep 70.1 73.6 75.8 81.8 76.3 77.9 78 83.2 Sofa 74.8 73.9 72.7 81.5 75.5 79.4 80.9 82.3 Train 80.4 83 84.2 85.9 85 87.6 87.9 89.2 Tv 70.4 72.6 80.4 79.9 81 76.8 79.4 78.5 mAP/% 70.0 73.2 75.6 80.5 78.2 77.2 78.6 80.5 -
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