- 数字信号处理器(DSP) /
- 移位器 /
- 查找表(LUT) /
- 单指令多数据流(SIMD) /
- 超长指令字(VLIW)
Abstract:With the development of digital signal processing technology, the application of high-performance signal processing has attracted more and more attention, which also poses great challenges to the computing speed and throughput efficiency of the corresponding processors. The shifter unit is an important component on the digital signal processor (DSP). By designing additional dedicated random access memory (RAM) and look-up table (LUT) for the shifter unit, this paper optimizes and adjusts its instruction set and architecture, so as to improve the use efficiency and transmission rate of the processor. In addition, based on the shifter and the corresponding look-up table instruction, it can carry out shift, extraction, arithmetic and logical operation processing at the same time of data temporary storage. And the process of the partial data operation is directly merged into the data read/write process of the shifter RAM, which greatly improves the efficiency of arithmetic unit. Experiments show that the temporary storage technology based on the shifter look-up table can achieve the throughput rate close to the transmission bus, and the signal processing algorithm fast Fourier transformation (FFT) can achieve the performance improvement of the acceleration ratio of 1.15 to 1.20.
表 1 64点FFT偏移地址
Table 1. 64-FFT offset address
层数 偏移(D) 偏移(O) 1 32 100000 2 16 010000 3 8 001000 4 4 000100 5 2 000010 6 1 000001 -
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