Research and implementation of multi-size aerial image positioning method based on CNN
Abstract:Image positioning is the key of UAV visual navigation. Scene matching navigation is widely used in traditional UAV visual navigation. With the continuous development of computer technology, deep learning technology provides a new way for the realization of visual navigation. In this context, this research mainly focuses on image localization based on convolution neural network. In this paper, based on the vertical reconnaissance of UAV, the aerial image of flight area is divided into several grids of the same size, each grid represents a class of regions, and the convolutional neural network (CNN) is trained by making data sets of grid images. This paper designs a fully convolutional network model based on AlexNet, which integrates saliency features. It effectively implements a sliding window classifier with CNN multi-size input, and proposes a neighborhood saliency reference positioning strategy to filter the classification results, so as to realize the positioning of multi-size aerial images.
表 1 查询图像集准确率
Table 1. Query image set accuracy
方法 输入 准确率/% 所用环境 平均运行时间/s AlexNet-FCN RGB 94.1 0.017 multi-channel
94.2GPU: Titan X
61.9CPU: E5-2670 37.865
44.586表 2 航拍图像为512×512大小时top-k下的准确率
Table 2. Accuracy at top-k when aerial image size is 512×512
是否使用邻域显著性参照定位 区域所占完整网格比例/% 准确率/% k=1 k=2 k=3 k=4 否 100 67.3 39.5 26.6 19.9 ≥80 81.2 68.1 49.3 38.0 ≥60 83.9 74.1 56.0 43.6 ≥40 85.1 76.0 58.3 45.5 ≥20 85.6 77.1 59.8 46.7 ≥0 86.1 77.9 61.1 47.9 是 100 69.4 40.1 27.0 20.3 ≥80 83.1 69.0 49.9 38.2 ≥60 85.3 75.0 56.7 44.0 ≥40 86.3 77.0 59.0 45.8 ≥20 86.7 77.8 60.4 47.1 ≥0 87.1 78.5 61.6 48.3 表 3 航拍图像为768×768大小时top-k下的准确率
Table 3. Accuracy at top-k when aerial image size is 768×768
是否使用邻域显著性参照定位 区域所占完整网格比例/% 准确率/% k=1 k=2 k=3 k=4 否 100 65.7 62.1 59.6 55.4 ≥80 94.6 93.3 91.3 88.2 ≥60 95.7 94.9 93.3 90.5 ≥40 96.8 95.8 94.3 91.7 ≥20 97.2 96.2 94.8 92.3 ≥0 97.6 96.6 95.3 93.2 是 100 68.8 65.8 57.5 51.0 ≥80 95.7 94.2 89.2 84.3 ≥60 96.6 95.7 91.3 87.4 ≥40 97.6 96.5 92.4 88.8 ≥20 97.8 96.7 92.8 89.6 ≥0 98.1 97.1 93.5 90.0 表 4 航拍图像为512×512大小时top-k下的召回率
Table 4. Recall rate at top-k when aerial image size is 512×512
是否使用邻域显著性参照定位 区域所占完整网格比例/% 召回率/% k=1 k=2 k=3 k=4 否 100 67.3 79.1 79.8 79.8 ≥80 46.1 72.3 76.9 78.2 ≥60 29.7 51.3 57.1 58.9 ≥40 20.0 35.8 41.3 43.0 ≥20 14.8 26.8 31.6 33.1 ≥0 8.6 15.5 18.2 19.0 是 100 69.4 80.3 81.1 81.1 ≥80 47.2 73.4 77.9 78.9 ≥60 30.1 51.8 57.8 59.3 ≥40 20.3 36.2 41.8 43.3 ≥20 15.0 27.1 31.9 33.3 ≥0 8.7 15.6 18.3 19.1 表 5 航拍图像为768×768大小时top-k下的召回率
Table 5. Recall rate at top-k when aerial image size is 768×768
是否使用邻域显著性参照定位 区域所占完整网格比例/% 召回率/% k=1 k=2 k=3 k=4 否 100 21.5 40.5 58.1 72.3 ≥80 16.6 32.6 47.9 61.5 ≥60 12.6 25.0 36.9 47.7 ≥40 10.1 20.0 29.5 38.2 ≥20 8.1 16.0 23.7 30.8 ≥0 5.6 11.0 16.3 21.0 是 100 22.6 43.1 61.5 75.1 ≥80 16.8 32.9 48.5 62.3 ≥60 12.8 25.3 37.3 48.1 ≥40 10.2 20.1 29.7 38.5 ≥20 8.2 16.1 23.8 31.0 ≥0 5.6 11.1 16.4 21.3 -
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